Juspera's Good Ole GS4 Page / History

The trial of Juspera, part 4: Defense's witnesses

"There are people here in this room far guiltier of worse crimes than you've ever committed."

Jump to:

Xanthias's examination
Xanthias's cross-examination
Mekthros's examination
Mekthros's cross-examination
Revalos's examination
Revalos's cross-examination

Juspera's examination
Juspera's cross-examination

Cappurnicus asks, "Defense... you have your witnesses prepared?"

Ysharra says, "I do."

Cappurnicus says, "Very well.  Go on..."

Ysharra says, "I call Xanthias to the stand."

Ysharra smiles at Xanthias.

Xanthias takes a deep breath.

Siwas blinks.

Xanthias stands up.

Atoyoz shifts her weight.

(Xanthias moves to stand next to Cappurnicus, starts to sit down, and then stands back up, waiting for Prospera.)

Cappurnicus smiles at Xanthias.

Prospera clears her throat.

Prospera stretches.

Xanthias bites his lip.

Prospera strides over to stand before Xanthias.

Prospera says, "Xanthias, raise your right hand, please."

Xanthias raises his hand.

Prospera asks, "Do you swear on the integrity of this court to tell the truth?"

Xanthias says, "I do, ma'am."

Cappurnicus nods.

Prospera nods.

(Prospera resumes her place.)

Cappurnicus nods to Ysharra.

Xanthias sits down.

Ysharra smiles at Xanthias.

Xanthias fidgets.

Ysharra says, "Xanthias, you're one of the victims, of these charges."

Xanthias says, "I... you could put it zat vay, I suppose."

Xanthias nods to Ysharra.

Ysharra says, "Yet you've chosen to appear as my-that is, the defense's witness."

Xanthias nods to Ysharra.

Xanthias says, "Yes, ma'am."

Ysharra asks, "Could you tell the court why that is?"

Tebon furrows his brow.

Siwas calmly says, "Objection.. Xanthias was to be called as my witness, but time did not permit it."

Siwas glances at Ysharra.

Xanthias says, "I, ah, vas also to be called by Lady Ysharra, I sought."

Xanthias acts puzzled.

Siwas says, "Withdrawn."

Atoyoz stares at Xanthias.

Siwas shakes her head.

Ysharra says, "Time constraints restricted that."

Cappurnicus says, "You will have your chance."

Ysharra says, "Counselor knows this."

Cappurnicus nods to Siwas.

Xanthias clears his throat.

Xanthias says, "Anyvay, ah..."

Cappurnicus says, "Time was indeed, a large factor."

Ysharra says, "I could say the same of Vonka and Jacina, but I did not."

Siwas says, "As I said, withdrawn."

Cappurnicus nods to Siwas.

Xanthias says, "Zat night, miss Juspera seemed fery much unlike how I had efer seen her before."

Siwas smiles almost pleasantly at Ysharra.

Ysharra nods to Xanthias.

Vonka nods to Xanthias.

Ysharra asks, "How so?  She was different?"

Xanthias says, "Agitated, disturbed, 'not all zere' as you might say."

Xanthias nods to Ysharra.

Ysharra asks, "Did she say anything to give you that impression?"

(Rinika writes, her hand following the flow of the words she hears.)

Xanthias says, "Vell, she didn't answer my qvestions... she didn't respond as you'd sink one might vhen being spoken to."

Ysharra asks, "You mean, she wasn't really...conversing?"

Xanthias says, "And vhen she spoke... it... it didn't seem as if she spoke to me, necessarily."

Ysharra asks, "Muttering, you think?"

Siwas narrows her eyes.

Xanthias nods to Ysharra.

Ysharra asks, "Not speaking to you?"

You shift your weight.

Xanthias says, "She vas speaking, ja, but it seemed as if not to me."

Ysharra nods to Xanthias.

Quinstol slowly empties his lungs.

Atoyoz breathes almost without making a sound.

Ysharra asks, "Did she wait for a response?  Or did you try to answer, anyway?"

Xanthias says, "She... she didn't really ask me anysing, and her responses to my repeated qvestions vere..."

Xanthias furrows his brow.

Ysharra says, "Hard to understand, I would imagine.  Since you were confused already."

Xanthias says, "almost incoherent, and didn't seem to follow, ah, vhat little shred of a confersation zere vas."

Xanthias nods to Ysharra.

Ysharra asks, "Did she repeat herself?"

Xanthias says, "Yes, ma'am."

Xanthias nods to Ysharra.

Xanthias says, "Yes, yes she did."

Ysharra says, "Now, thinking back."

Ysharra says, "Has Juspera ever targeted you for such a thing, before?  On a milder scale, of course."

Ysharra asks, "Or were you just in 'the wrong place', as well?"

Xanthias says, "Not... physically... I mean, she has teased me before."

Ysharra asks, "What would she say?"

Xanthias says, "Vell..."

Xanthias clears his throat.

Xanthias blushes a nice shade of rosy pink.

Ysharra smiles at Xanthias.

Rinika appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow.

Xanthias says, "She, ah..."

Xanthias shifts his weight.

>l in hav
In the cotton haversack you see a gold-inlaid grey mithril book, a greyish-blue scale-embossed book, an eye-shaped sapphire, a few branches, an eye-shaped emerald, some multicolored chalk, some fish food, an old crone doll, a small snake, a three-eyed halibut, a velvety black rose, a mottled flame-hued rose, a long gnarled slugstick, a fancy pink bandana, a metal three, a metal three, a cerulean star-embossed manual, an eye-shaped ruby, a blue sapphire and a sky-blue glaes scarab.
(WTF? I'm full of shit.)

Xanthias says, "She seemed to sink at times zat I vasn't, ah 'manly' enough."

Xanthias tilts his head down.

Xanthias bites his lip.

Xanthias tilts his head up.

Alisaire examines her fingernails.

Xanthias says, "She had zis, ah, pink bandana she used to mock me vis."

Ysharra asks, "Thank you.  But it seemed like something...just light-hearted banter, eh?"

Vonka furrows her brow.

Xanthias nods to Ysharra.

Your cheeks take on a slightly flushed tone.

Fremie snickers.

Evelith folds her arms over her chest.

Xanthias says, "Ja, she likes to joke.  It nefer seemed... openly malicious, if zat's vhat you mean."

Ysharra asks, "Did she describe what she thought of you, at all?"

Eponyne sighs softly.

Xanthias asks, "At ze time of ze assault?"

Ysharra says, "At any time."

Ysharra nods to Xanthias.

Ysharra says, "Anything that she said would be of assistance to the jury."

Xanthias says, "Vell, she sought I, ah, needed to be more 'forceful.'"

Ysharra nods to Xanthias.

Ysharra asks, "Did she say things like that often?"

Ysharra asks, "To you, or to other people in your presence?"

Xanthias shifts his weight.

Xanthias says, "Er... yes, on seferal occasions."

Ysharra says, "Friends, people on the street, whomever."

Mnar folds his arms over his chest.

Ysharra says, "You think she targetted people."

Ysharra asks, "Who she thought weren't forceful?"

Xanthias looks lost in thought.

Thrassus smirks.

You shift your weight.

Ysharra asks, "Has this increased over the past few months?"

Xanthias says, "I hafen't had many run-ins vis her in ze past few mons, I'm afraid."

Xanthias says, "But she, ah..."

Ysharra nods to Xanthias.

Ysharra says, "Go on."

Xanthias says, "I hafe seen her, and heard of her, mocking helpless people."

Xanthias nods to Ysharra.

Ysharra says, "We have to keep it to what you've seen, I'm afraid."

Ysharra says, "And for the sake of time, I think I'll call an end to my questioning, save for one last bit."

Xanthias nods to Ysharra.

Ysharra asks, "Do you think she meant to do it?"

Xanthias bites his lip.

Cappurnicus furrows his brow.

(Alisaire glances down at her gloved fingers again, limply turning her hand over.)

Evelith glances at Alisaire.

Siwas says, "Calls for speculation."

Siwas says, "Objection."

Xanthias says, "I..."

Xanthias gulps.

Xanthias glances at Siwas.

Siwas glances at Xanthias.

(Xanthias falls silent.)

Xanthias glances at Cappurnicus.

Cappurnicus says, "I will have to agree."

Ysharra says, "Well.  That she seemed in control."

Siwas smiles.

Xanthias looks over at Ysharra and shakes his head.

>whi ysh If he's about to say yes, maybe it's better the objection is sustained.
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

>whi ysh Ah, there we go.
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

Xanthias says, "She seemed... fery unlike I'd efer seen her before."

Ysharra smiles at Xanthias.

Ysharra says, "Thank you, Xanthias."

Xanthias says, "Not fully avare of her... surrounding."

Xanthias coughs.

Xanthias says, "surroundings."

Ysharra nods to Xanthias.

Cappurnicus nods.

Ysharra whispers, "Ah well."

Xanthias says, "Extremely agitated, sveating, shaking,"

Ysharra whispers, "They can ask all the assumption questions they like, but I can't."

Siwas fidgets.

Ysharra says, "Not herself."

>whi ysh Koar will see. He will know.
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

Xanthias nods to Ysharra.

Ysharra says, "Not in control."

Gahread says, "Objection..."

Xanthias says, "Not vhat I knew of her, no."

Ysharra says, "Thank you, Xanthias."

Cappurnicus says, "Defense, that's enough."

Cappurnicus nods.

Gahread says, "Asking for mental state of the defendant."

Ysharra says, "Your witness."

Gahread says, "I don't believe Xanthias is a trained empath."

Siwas shakes her head.

Siwas stands up.

Cappurnicus says, "It is done."

Xanthias slowly empties his lungs.

Ysharra smiles.

Ysharra sits down.

Cappurnicus says, "Proceed, prosecution."

Xanthias nods to Ysharra.

Siwas says, "Xanthias, on the night of the 26th, did Juspera attack you? Just reconfirm this for me."

Xanthias nods to Siwas.

Siwas says, "Physically attacked you and injured you."

Xanthias says, "Ah, er... yes."

Siwas asks, "Is it true that she drew a knife and tried to stab you?"

Lecea leans forward.

Siwas peers quizzically at Xanthias.

Xanthias says, "Um... yes, she tried to stab me, but her mental state, fortunately, casued ze blow to be ineffectife."

Xanthias says, "Or, at least zat's ze vay it seemeed."

Xanthias clears his throat.

Siwas says, "You have no way of knowing that."

Siwas says, "Please just answer what I ask, without elaboration."

Siwas says, "She tried to stab you."

Xanthias says, "She drew a knife and srust it at me, yess."

Siwas asks, "What really stopped that blade from finding your flesh? Don't you wear your armor commonly about the city?"

Xanthias says, "Yes, but it just glanced off.  She just srust right at my chest."

Xanthias knocks on a battered red eahnor breastplate.

Siwas asks, "Right at your chest. Indicate where, please?"

Xanthias just touched a battered red eahnor breastplate.

Xanthias says, "Er... around here somevhere."

You frown.

(Juspera opens her mouth again, but glances at Prospera and closes it.)

Xanthias taps himself on the chest.

Prospera glances at you.

Ysharra whispers, "Later."

>whi ysh I don't... I wouldn't... that's not something I'd do.
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

Ysharra whispers, "We have to move quickly."

Ysharra nods to you.

Siwas says, "I see."

You sigh.

Siwas says, "If that strike had been true, you'd likely have punctured your lung."

Siwas says, "That would have been a painful, unpleasant death.. good thing you did have your armor on."

Siwas glances at you.

Ysharra says, "But it wasn't."

Xanthias says, "Mmm, or gone under my ribs."

Xanthias nods to Siwas.

Ysharra asks, "So this is...more speculation?"

Siwas says, "The defendant was unable to kill you."

Siwas nods to Xanthias.

Siwas says, "Hardly, Ysharra.. I am a trained empath."

Siwas says, "As any member of my guild will tell you."

Quinstol whispers to the group, "She's not giving testimony as an expert witness..."

Xanthias says, "She could hafe, if she had aimed elsevhere."

Ysharra says, "You're not the witness, though."

Siwas waves her hand in a dismissive gesture.

Siwas asks, "Xanthias, have you ever seen Juspera act like this before?"

Siwas asks, "Ever seen her attack anyone else?"

Xanthias furrows his brow.

Xanthias says, "Not physically, like zat, no, ma'am."

Siwas asks, "Ever heard Juspera talk about attacking anyone else?"

>whi ysharra Koar smiles on you, for what you do.
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

Ysharra whispers, "He can burn in hell."

Ysharra says, "Hearsay."

Ysharra smiles.

Xanthias says, "It's... it's possible.  I mean, ve'fe hunted togezer.  Fought in defense togezer."

Xanthias says, "I heard she..."

(Xanthias swallows noisily.)

Cappurnicus says, "Hearing about something is his experience."

Ysharra says, "But not what he saw."

Cappurnicus says, "Corect."

Ysharra says, "Which is what we are trying.  What he witnessed."

Siwas asks, "You said that you heard Juspera talking to 'herself', correct? That nobody else was in the room?"

Xanthias says, "Vell, she vas speaking to someone, but it didn't seem like me."

Gahread glances at Siwas.

Gahread glances at a light scroll.

Siwas asks, "But you say there was someone else there that she was speaking to?"

Siwas asks, "A physical presence?"

Prospera glances at Gahread.

Xanthias says, "I didn't see, hear, or feel anyone."

Ysharra says, "He already said there was no one there, I believe."

Siwas says, "But he has no way of knowing that, Ysharra."

Ysharra nods to Siwas.

Siwas says, "Xanthias has no way of detecting someone who may have been invisibly in the room."

Xanthias says, "Zen again, my attention vas razer occupied by miss Juspera."

Siwas asks, "Do you?"

Siwas peers quizzically at Xanthias.

Ysharra says, "True."

Xanthias looks over at Siwas and shakes his head.

Xanthias says, "No, Sivas."

Siwas says, "So someone else could have been there all along."

Siwas nods.

Siwas says, "no further questions."

Xanthias says, "I suppose."

Xanthias clears his throat.

Cappurnicus says, "Very well."

Cappurnicus says, "Xanthias, please take your seat."

Xanthias nods.

Xanthias stands up.

Ysharra smiles.

Cappurnicus nods to Ysharra.

(Xanthias moves to one side.)

Xanthias sits down.

Siwas sits down.

Ysharra says, "I call Mekthros Savius."

(Mekthros rises slowly.)

Mekthros stands up.

Ysharra stands up.

Ysharra strides over to stand before Cappurnicus.

Siwas blinks.

Ysharra nods to Mekthros.

(Mekthros moves to the podium, standing behind it quietly.)

Siwas stares at Mekthros.

Aeillwyna blinks.

Cappurnicus nods to Prospera.

Prospera strides over to stand before Mekthros.

Alisaire leans forward.

(Mekthros strides before the witness seat.)

Prospera says, "Mekthros, raise your right hand, please."

Mekthros raises his hand.

>whi capp Okay... the prosecution's witnesses took 2 hours... should we allow the defense's up to 2 hours for fairness? She's taken half an hour so far.
You whisper quietly to Cappurnicus.

Prospera asks, "Do you swear on the integrity of this court to tell the truth?"

Mekthros clearly says, "I do."

Prospera nods.

Xanthias blinks at Siwas.

Mekthros tosses back the edges of his hooded cloak and frees himself for action!

>whi capp It'll make the trial go up to a full hour over, but it could be worse. I was kind of expecting this anyway.
You whisper quietly to Cappurnicus.

Alisaire offers Siwas a flask of sandfire liquor.

(Mekthros takes a seat.)

Mekthros sits down.

Cappurnicus whispers, "I say we go for numbers or time, whichever is faster."

Ysharra smiles at Mekthros.

(Prospera turns and returns to the other side of the podium.)

Maimara stands up.

Cappurnicus nods.

(Siwas sips gingerly at her drink, setting it across the table from her afterwards.)

Siwas winces.

Maimara whispers, "Good luck."

Ysharra asks, "Mekthros, you were a victim this night in question, yes?"

Mekthros clearly says, "I was."

Ysharra says, "Yet, you are not a part of the accusations."

Jacina trembles.

Mekthros clearly says, "That is correct."

Ysharra asks, "Why is that?"

Mekthros clearly says, "I would assume it is because of my association with Lord Sheru."

Ysharra nods to Mekthros.

Ysharra says, "And the others are part of the Resistance."

Mekthros clearly says, "Yes."

Lumaco rolls her eyes.

Ysharra asks, "So that would mean that Juspera...targetted people on both sides of the war, wouldn't it?"

You blink.

Mekthros clearly says, "That assumption is reasonable."

Ysharra asks, "Seems odd, don't you think?"

Cappurnicus says, "Defense."

Ysharra asks, "If she had some purpose to it-yes?"

Cappurnicus glances at Ysharra.

Siwas says, "Objection, opinion."

Siwas says, "And leading."

Ysharra says, "Very well, I'll redirect..."

Cappurnicus nods to Ysharra.

Ysharra says, "Tell us what happened."

Ysharra says, "What she did."

>whi mek Briefly!
You whisper quietly to Mekthros.

Mekthros clearly says, "On the night in question, and I shall be brief..."

Mekthros clearly says, "I lured Juspera with promises of her having an opportunity to injure me into her cave.  She took my entreaties well, and said she desired to harm someone."

Mekthros clearly says, "I volunteered, knowing her tendencies and desiring to exploit them."

Ysharra nods to Mekthros.

Ysharra says, "It's your business, terror."

Mekthros clearly says, "It is."

Mekthros clearly says, "She pinned me to the floor and began removing my fingernails.  We conversed briefly as she did so."

Quinstol cringes.

Fremie blinks.

Mekthros clearly says, "By the end of the session, one person who walked in was dead for failing to leave."

Genivie glances about with a disgusted look on her face.

Mekthros clearly says, "And Juspera was sobbing in a heap in the corner of the cave."

You feel the blood drain from your face.

Mekthros clearly says, "It was, broadly speaking, a success."

Eponyne closes her eyes for a moment.

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow.

Ysharra asks, "Did you witness anything extraordinary, besides what Juspera herself did?"

Mekthros clearly says, "The night Maimara stated that Juspera was possessed, I felt something... extraordinary about her person."

Ysharra nods to Mekthros.

Ysharra says, "Try to explain that, to the court, please."

Mekthros clearly says, "A presence.  A... thing of shadow.  It wreathed about her fingertips and stalked her actions."

Ysharra asks, "Had you ever seen anything like it before?"

Mekthros clearly says, "It felt very strongly like a guiding force, though none made mention of such a thing and on later inquiry, stated they saw none of it."

Ysharra nods to Mekthros.

(Jacina pulls Vonka's face to hers and whispers to her, trying to shelter her from the noise of the courtroom.)

Alisaire trails her fingers lightly over the shadowy crystal talisman, causing tendrils of shadows to slither forth from the talisman's core and follow the path of her fingertips.

Mekthros clearly says, "Prior to the night of the possession, I had indeed seen such things in the workings of nightmares."

Mekthros clearly says, "They unearth the inner desires of the victims, strengthen them, and use them against them."

Ysharra asks, "The workings of what, exactly?"

You shift your weight.

Rinika idly scrawls something on a page in her soft blue suede book.

Mekthros clearly says, "It is a technique commonly used by those who have mastered the ways of fear."

Mekthros clearly says, "A... possession, I suppose one could call it."

Ysharra says, "You saw this...shadow...around her."

Ysharra nods to Mekthros.

Mekthros clearly says, "Yes."

>whi ysh You might want to remind the jury that Mekthros is talking about what he saw the night of Olaesta 14th, a night it's already been determined that Juspera was likely possessed. Or something.
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

Ysharra says, "Now, this was on the night in the sylvan village."

(Mekthros briefly looks at the gathered crowd.)

Ysharra says, "That Maimara brought up."

Mekthros clearly says, "Sylvarraend, yes."

Mekthros clearly says, "The same."

Ysharra asks, "Anything like that, since?"

Mekthros clearly says, "Yes."

Mekthros smiles slightly.

Mekthros clearly says, "Once more."

You blink.

Ysharra says, "Please.  Tell us."

Achillea folds her arms over her chest.

Mekthros clearly says, "I watched the night Jacina was... allegedly assaulted by Juspera Spintari."

Jacina closes her eyes for a moment.

Ysharra says, "You were in the room."

Mekthros clearly says, "Yes."

Vonka glances at Mekthros.

Vonka's face turns slightly pale.

Ysharra says, "You watched her attack and savage prosecution's first witness."

Mekthros clearly says, "I did."

Genivie gasps.

Ysharra asks, "What else did you see?"

Vonka wrings her hands.

Mekthros clearly says, "The same shadows that wreathed about Juspera the night in Sylvarraend were again present."

You glance at Ysharra.

Eponyne blinks.

Mekthros clearly says, "They were not as strong, perhaps, not as deliberately guiding."

Siwas blinks.

Jacina clenches her jaw.

Mekthros clearly says, "But present, nonetheless."

Siwas glances at Jacina.

Ysharra says, "She was accompanied by them."

Ysharra asks, "The same shadows that appeared the night she was possessed?"

Mekthros clearly says, "They had a particular interest in... her hands."

Mekthros clearly says, "Yes."

(Juspera slips shaky hands into her cloak.)

Ysharra asks, "And who possessed her, that night in the village?"

Mekthros smiles tightly.

Ysharra smiles at Mekthros.

Mekthros clearly says, "I have heard much speculation about the identity of the one who might have been responsible."

Mekthros clearly says, "But in mine own experience."

Ysharra nods to Mekthros.

Gahread quietly says, "Objection..."

You think to yourself, "Draezir."

Siwas tersely says, "Objection. Requires speculation."

Ysharra says, "That is most relevant, at the moment."

(Alisaire idly toys with her talisman, the shadows within churning beneath her fingertips.)

Cappurnicus says, "Sustained."

Jacina buries her face in her hands.

(Mekthros waits patiently.)

Ysharra asks, "So you can't say for certain who it was...?"

Ysharra asks, "Or can you, without much doubt?"

Songowl leans forward.

Evelith wrings her hands.

Siwas clenches her jaw.

Mekthros clearly says, "The workings appeared to be those of the High Priest of Sheru."

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow.

Mekthros clearly says, "Lord Draezir."

Ysharra nods to Mekthros.

Alisaire chuckles to herself.

Jacina shakes her head, totally at a loss.

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

Mekthros leans back.

Ysharra says, "Lord Draezir..."

Ysharra says, "The High Priest of Sheru."

Mekthros clearly says, "So it would seem, madam.  So it would seem."

Siwas tightens her grip on her black-leaf tea.

(Rinika writes carefully, her attention now on Mekthros.)

(Alisaire looks thoughtfully at the witness stand.)

Ysharra says, "Lord of Nightmare, Shadow, and Terror."

(Mekthros pays some interest to Siwas.)

Ysharra nods.

Siwas tersely says, "Again, I object. Speculation."

Quinstol shakes his head.

Cappurnicus says, "Agreed..."

Rinika bites her lip.

Ysharra asks, "You do not think he is an expert witness in his own priest?"

(Quinstol shakes his head once again.)

Achillea gazes heavenward.

Ysharra raises an eyebrow in Cappurnicus's direction.

Siwas tersely says, "He is not of the Order. He bears no such marking."

Ysharra says, "I think I should be allowed some leeway here."

Siwas examines Mekthros closely, sizing him up and taking note of all the details.

>whi ysh Doing good... at any rate, Juspera can tell you she KNOWS it was Draezir that night, and why.
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

Siwas tersely asks, "Therefore I say that no, I do not think he is an expert witness. A candle casts a shadow, is that of Draezir as well?"

(Mekthros folds his hands in his lap, watching Juspera with a fixed gaze.)

Cappurnicus says, "It is opinion, nonetheless."

Ysharra says, "Mekthros is not on trial for his religion, or his marks."

Gahread glances at Ysharra.

>whi ysh Dunno if you'll be allowed Revalos, it may depend on how fast this goes, unfortunately.
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

Ysharra says, "He is, however, a witness, for Juspera."

Gahread quietly says, "We are establishing his credentials as an expert witness."

Ysharra asks, "Fine.  Mekthros, how long have you served Sheru?"

Ysharra says, "I was attempting to be brief."

>whi ysh It'll remain in the jury's minds whether or not it's overruled.
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

Cappurnicus says, "The court cannot discern religious affirmation."

Ysharra says, "No, but the witness can."

Genivie leans forward and rests her chin in her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face.

Ysharra says, "It is his affiliation and life."

Mekthros clearly says, "I am currently two hundred and three years of age.  I have served him since my fifty-second year."

Ysharra says, "Unless he's being accused as lying..."

Siwas glances at Ysharra.

Ysharra nods to Mekthros.

Thrassus folds his arms over his chest.

Mekthros cocks his head.

Mekthros looks thoughtfully at you.

Ysharra smiles at Mekthros.

Ysharra asks, "Do we need more?"

Ysharra says, "I'm sure Mekthros could keep going."

Cappurnicus says, "I am going to have to stop this line of questioning... you have established what you needed to, regarding what Mekthros experienced on the night in question."

Ysharra says, "But like I said...I was trying to sum up."

Ysharra nods to Cappurnicus.

Ysharra says, "I'm finished."

Cappurnicus says, "Very well."

Ysharra says, "Your witness, Siwas."

Mekthros nods.

Ysharra smiles at Mekthros.

Siwas asks, "Gahread, would you please?"

Cappurnicus says, "Prosecution, continue."

Gahread nods.

(Siwas nods in Mekthros's direction.)

Gahread stands up.

>whi ysh That took 15 minutes.
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

Gahread strides over to stand before Mekthros.

Mekthros nods to Gahread.

Gahread asks, "Mekthros, has Draezir ever confirmed you in any position in the Order?"

Ysharra whispers, "I'm trying really hard to go fast."

(Mekthros folds his hands in his lap.)

whi gah K, once again, only ask what you need... short and sweet... Capp may already be whispering you that.
You whisper quietly to Gahread.

whi ysh I think you did good.
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

Gahread says, "A simple yes or no will do."

Mekthros clearly says, "No."

Ysharra whispers, "Thanks."

Gahread asks, "Have you ever met Draezir and spoken with him?"

Perigourd winces.

Mekthros clearly says, "No."

Gahread asks, "Have you ever had any close encounters with Draezir?"

Mekthros clearly says, "Yes."

Gahread says, "Please elaborate on them in brief."

Gahread nods to Mekthros.

Ysharra whispers to the group, "I'm sorry, Quinstol and Eponyne."

Ysharra whispers to the group, "I've been told I won't have time for anyone but Revalos and Juspera."

Mekthros clearly says, "During the time that the city of Solhaven was blessed with his presence, I witnessed his workings on many of the residents there."

Ysharra whispers to the group, "I'm very sorry."

Gahread smiles at Mekthros.

Mekthros clearly says, "Juspera was paid frequent attention to due to her tendency to insult him."

Ysharra whispers to the group, "This makes...for very bad news, for us.  I really needed someone to give evidence about the tortures besides Juspera."

Quinstol whispers to the group, "It would help if someone could bring up the point about Juspera's hand exploding, a Draezir trademark, to make the connection."

Gahread says, "I actually was privileged with the same. Amazing that he visited such an honor on a Dhe'nar..."

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow in Gahread's direction.

Cappurnicus says, "Please get to a point."

(Mekthros regards Gahread steadily.)

Gahread asks, "Have you had any DIRECT encounters with Draezir, Mekthros?"

Mekthros clearly says, "Yes."

Gahread asks, "During that time in Solhaven?"

Mekthros clearly says, "Yes."

Gahread asks, "Did he acknowledge you?"

(Rinika toys absentmindedly with her quill for a moment, then settles herself back to the task.)

Mekthros clearly says, "Yes."

Gahread asks, "How did he do this?"

Mekthros clearly says, "A nod."

Atoyoz smirks.

Tebon appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Siwas smirks.

Mekthros leans back.

Alisaire places her hand on her shadowy crystal talisman.

Gahread says, "You've been honored well indeed...you know, I think the late Queen of Tamzyrr once nodded in my direction."

(Mekthros takes some special interest in Juspera again.)

You blink at Mekthros.

Mekthros looks thoughtfully at you.

Gahread asks, "Mekthros, have you ever done anything in an official basis on the Order's behalf?"

Ysharra says, "He doesn't have to answer that."

Cappurnicus asks, "Prosecution, of what purpose does this line serve?"

Ysharra says, "That's irrelevant."

Gahread says, "Establishing the credentials of this witness. A village follower of Koar does not an expert on the Drake make."

Fremie whispers, "who is leading your defense?"

Cappurnicus asks, "And what bearing on the case?"

Ysharra says, "He still doesn't have to give the specifics.  Yes or no will do."

>whi frem Ysharra.
You whisper quietly to Fremie.

Gahread says, "I wish to know if he is more than a simple follower of Sheru, if he actually does have some high position that would make him an expert on nightmares and the methods of using them."

Fremie whispers, "tell her I have had direct confrontation with Draezir and can testify that he is able to control things with the shadows..."

Gahread says, "Thus far, I've seen nothing to indicate that."

Achillea smirks.

>whi frem You can tell her... but due to time constraints, she won't be able to bring you to the stand.
You whisper quietly to Fremie.

Fremie whispers, "that's what Capp told me, ah well"

Gahread says, "No mark, no official position, no close contact..."

Quinstol mutters under his breath.

Mekthros clearly asks, "Is that a question?"

Mekthros looks thoughtfully at Gahread.

Cappurnicus says, "Again, relevance to this case..."

Gahread glances at Mekthros.

You whisper, "How much time is he going to take saying the same thing in different ways?" to your group.

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow in Gahread's direction.

Mekthros smiles slightly.

Siwas calmly says, "What my assistant is trying to say, Overseer, is that Mekthros is claiming that Draezir had some sort of influence over Juspera that night with Jacina.. when he really wouldn't have a clue."

Siwas stares at Mekthros.

Fremie glances at Siwas.

Siwas glances at Fremie.

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow.

Quinstol grumbles.

Mekthros clearly says, "I am afraid I must clarify the prosecution's interpretation."

Gahread says, "Unneccessary at this time."

Mekthros clearly says, "They seem to be laboring under a misunderstanding."

Gahread nods to Mekthros.

Mekthros leans back.

Cappurnicus says, "It is not necessary, no."

Ysharra says, "I think he should be allowed to answer, considering the nature of these questions."

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow.

Ysharra says, "If his value as a witness is being questioned, he should be able to say why or why not the comment is valid."

Mekthros smiles lightly in Juspera's direction.

You stare at Mekthros.

Cappurnicus says, "Be concise, counselor."

You hear the faint thoughts of Mekthros touch your mind:
"Worry not.  They are leashed."

Cappurnicus nods to Gahread.

You focus your mind on Mekthros and think:
Roundtime 5 seconds.

(Rinika scratches her head with the feathered end of her quill.)

Gahread says, "I am a knowledgeable sorcerer in my own right, with the ability to send half this courtroom cowering to their knees in nightmares within half a minute. However, I know myself to be unfamilar with the inner workings of Sheru's council."

Gahread glances at Mekthros.

Gahread asks, "What makes you so qualified?"

Fremie begins to twitch.

Fremie mutters something about Draezir.

Siwas blinks.

Mekthros clearly says, "I will clarify your... understanding."

Gahread says, "Mekthros, please answer the question asked."

Cappurnicus nods.

Mekthros clearly says, "I speak from two experiences with similar occurrences."

Mekthros clearly says, "The link between them is commonplace, and does not require expert knowledge to perceive."

Mekthros clearly says, "I was merely present for both such instances."

Mekthros clearly says, "And the link was perceived."

Gahread nods to Mekthros.

Gahread says, "I see. You are qualified because you were there. Thank you."

Gahread asks, "Mekthros, did you hold any conversations with Jacina after the encounter between her and Juspera?"

Mekthros nods.

Mekthros clearly says, "Yes."

Jacina covers her signet band with her hand.

Gahread asks, "Did you state anything to her of Juspera's motives that night?"

Mekthros smiles at Jacina, noting her signet band.

Mekthros clearly says, "I am afraid I do not recall."

Gahread smiles at Mekthros.

Jacina glances at Mekthros.

Mekthros clearly says, "Memory is a fickle thing, sometimes."

Jacina mutters quietly.

Siwas says, "Convenient."

Siwas stares at Mekthros.

Gahread cheerfully says, "It is indeed. Let me help you."

Siwas asks, "Overseer, please remind Mekthros that he is under oath?"

Gahread asks, "Do you recall telling her anything about Juspera needing to hurt people, Mekthros?"

Cappurnicus says, "Do answer the questions in truth, Mekthros."

Ysharra says, "He said that when we first begain."

Gahread glances at Ysharra.

>whi capp Mekthros's been up there for half an hour now, 15 minutes from each side.
You whisper quietly to Cappurnicus.

Mekthros clearly says, "I never lie.  And yes, she does have a need to hurt people."

Gahread says, "I am asking about a specific conversation, and I do have a point."

Ysharra says, "He did.  He stated that Juspera needed to hurt people."

Mekthros clearly says, "I have mentioned this to... various individuals."

Gahread nods to Mekthros.

Ysharra says, "Your honor, I request that we get to it."

Mekthros clearly says, "It is quite possible I said as much to Jacina."

Ysharra says, "I have other witnesses and very little time."

Gahread asks, "Do you recall asking or demanding that Jacina tell you of how she felt?"

Cappurnicus furrows his brow.

Mekthros clearly says, "Oh yes."

Jacina stares off into space.

Mekthros looks thoughtfully at Jacina.

Mekthros clearly says, "Yes, indeed."

Mekthros finds a loose thread on his hooded cloak and snaps it off with a quick jerk.

Ysharra sighs.

Gahread says, "Interesting. I'll leave the jury to draw their own conclusions about Mekthros's decision to revisit Jacina."

Eponyne slowly empties her lungs.

You whisper, "It's because the Sheruvians have their dirty fingers all over this little incident!" to your group.

Ysharra grins at you.

Gahread asks, "Mekthros, did you report Juspera's pulling of your nails to any member of the prosecution?"

Mekthros surveys the area.

Mekthros clearly says, "No."

Rinika frowns.

Rinika idly scrawls something on a page in her soft blue suede book.

Quinstol whispers to the group, "I wish I could testify.  But I doubt I'd even do much good, with the insanity of 'procedure'."

You hear someone mutter burn.
You hear someone mutter juspera.

Siwas blinks.

Ysharra smiles at Quinstol.

Siwas gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Siwas gestures.
Nothing seems to happen.

Fremie searches around for a moment.

Prospera frowns.

You hear the voice of Kinshack say, "That was not me."

Ysharra makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Ysharra gestures.
A sudden burst of bright light emanates from Ysharra's hand!

Prospera makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Prospera gestures.
Prospera appears to be keenly aware of her surroundings.

Siwas shrugs.

You sense that you are not a wizard and thank your lucky stars.

Prospera says, "Kinshack, stay in the open please."

Gahread confusedly says, "We did receive word of the other three incidents that night, by the Resistance members... as the Council for the defense said, it's interesting that the sole Alliance member did not come forward."

Prospera frowns.

Prospera nods.

Gahread shrugs.

(Rinika mutter something in halfling, only for her ears to hear.)

Ysharra says, "As I understand it, the defendant herself was the one who brought this to court."

Gahread glances at Ysharra.

Ysharra says, "And it was up to us, as the litigators, to meet with those who were injured."

Ysharra says, "At least, that's how it was explained to me."

Ysharra shrugs.

Cappurnicus asks, "Counsel, do you have any other relevant questions for this witness?"

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow in Gahread's direction.

Siwas glances at Gahread.

Mekthros smiles slightly, leaning back, watching Gahread.

Gahread says, "Testimonials by the other three were provided. By this one... well, this is the first I've heard of it. But I suppose that's a fault of the trial system, certainly not by deliberate design of the witness."

(Juspera holds up three fingers.)

Gahread asks, "Mekthros, did you resist Juspera when she was pulling your nails out?"

Mekthros clearly says, "No."

Gahread ponders.

>whi capp I am only being tried on three counts of assault. That is all this court has been convened to decide.
You whisper quietly to Cappurnicus.

Gahread asks, "Did you wish to resist her?"

Ysharra whispers to the group, "This is ridiculous."

(Alisaire slumps back in her chair.)

Mekthros smiles slightly.

Mekthros clearly says, "No."

Ysharra whispers to the group, "He needs to hurry."

Gahread says, "Hardly something that could be termed an assault then."

Eponyne whispers to the group, "No kiddin'!"

Gahread glances at Cappurnicus.

Gahread says, "No further questions."

Cappurnicus says, "She is only being tried on three counts, Counselor."

Cappurnicus says, "Very well."

You whisper, "Whew." to your group.

Siwas stares at Gahread.

Achillea says, "hardly a victim if he enjoys such things."

Achillea smirks.

Cappurnicus says, "Mekthros, please return to your seat."

Achillea clasps her hand over her mouth.

Ysharra glances at Achillea.

Gahread sits down.

(Mekthros rises quietly.)

Mekthros stands up.

(Siwas whispers intently with Gahread, a bit agitated.)

Cappurnicus says, "Defense, please call your next witness."

Mekthros moves to stand behind Ysharra.

Ysharra says, "I call Revalos Lykanderon."

Thrassus shakes his head.

(Alisaire glances from Mekthros to Gahread and back again in mild amusement.)

You whisper, "They look upset." to your group.

Revalos stands up.

Ysharra turns to face Revalos.

Ysharra smiles at Revalos.

Mekthros whispers to the group, "As well they should be.  Jacina paid for Gahread's queries."

Ysharra says, "Please take the stand."

Prospera strides over to stand before Revalos.

(Revalos strides towards the stand.)

Revalos turns around.

Revalos turns to face Prospera.

Prospera says, "Raise your right hand please."

Revalos raises his hand.

Prospera asks, "Do you swear by the integrity of this court to tell the truth?"

Mekthros whispers to the group, "I also got out of answering whether I am on official business or not."

(Rinika stretches a bit and straighten herself in attempt to renew her vigor at the task.)

Mekthros whispers to the group, "Which was a rather pleasant surprise."

Revalos says, "I do."

You glance at Mekthros.

Prospera nods.

(Prospera once again returns to her spot near the podium.)

Revalos sits down.

Ysharra smiles at Revalos.

Mekthros nods.

Ysharra says, "Revalos, I suppose we'd better tell folks why you're here."

Cappurnicus says, "Please do."

Ysharra says, "Otherwise, you'll have to hear the same question about a million different ways, too."

Revalos nods.

Ysharra asks, "What happened to you, during the siege on Solhaven?"

Alisaire blinks.

Ysharra says, "Sum as briefly as you can, please."

Alisaire places her hand on her shadowy crystal talisman.

Revalos says, "I believe you are referring to what happened to me before the siege."

Ysharra nods to Revalos.

Ysharra says, "Yes, just prior to the occupation."

Revalos says, "I encountered a beast of shadow which had been plaguing the nights and storms in Solhaven.  I was attacked and injured by this beast."

Ysharra nods to Revalos.

Alisaire watches Revalos in breathless anticipation.

Ysharra asks, "You were injured?"

Revalos says, "I had my legs removed."

Ysharra says, "Savage, yes."

Ysharra asks, "They'd attacked other people as well, right?"

Ysharra asks, "And a...kitten, I think?"

Siwas asks, "Objection, how is this relevant to what Juspera did on the night of the 26th?"

Ysharra says, "I will illustrate."

Cappurnicus says, "Yes, please get to it."

Ysharra says, "Your honor, with all due respect..."

Ysharra says, "I have been very patient, I think."

Cappurnicus nods to Ysharra.

Ysharra says, "You had some aftereffects, I believe."

Ysharra nods to Revalos.

Revalos says, "to put it mildly"

Ysharra asks, "What happened to you?"

Revalos says, "that, I can't be sure of, all I know is that I became connected with the beast in some fashion."

(Alisaire sits up in her chair a bit.)

Ysharra asks, "Connected...it was with you?"

Ysharra asks, "Part of you?"

Revalos says, "I would say the reverse."

Revalos says, "I was part of it."

Ysharra asks, "In what manner of relationship?"

Revalos says, "I saw what it saw, I felt what it felt."

Ysharra nods to Revalos.

Ysharra says, "If you could use one word, to sum that up."

Ysharra asks, "What would it be?"

(Vonka whispers softly, "Ennty.")

(Alisaire watches Revalos intently.)

Revalos clenches his fist.

(Revalos glances at his fist, and slowly unclenches it.)

Revalos says, "Malice"

Ysharra nods to Revalos.

Ysharra says, "It wanted to cause pain."

Rinika idly scrawls something on a page in her soft blue suede book.

Rinika looks thoughtfully at you.

Ysharra asks, "How did it go about this?"

Revalos says, "it chose a heartbeat, and it took it away."

Ysharra says, "It killed."

Revalos nods.

Ysharra asks, "But...not alone, right?"

Revalos says, "I do not understand the question"

Ysharra says, "During that time...it was with you."

Alisaire quietly says, "You are not familiar with them, Ysharra.  Don't speculate."

Ysharra glances at Alisaire.

Rinika idly scrawls something on a page in her soft blue suede book.

Alisaire smirks.

Ysharra says, "Ali'shara, silence."

Alisaire stares at Ysharra.

Xanthias smiles quietly to himself.

Cappurnicus nods to Prospera.

Revalos says, "There was a time, that I was not involved.  I saw remotely what took place."

Ysharra nods to Revalos.

Ysharra says, "But they used your body."

Ysharra says, "You were present during the killings."

Revalos says, "However..." Revalos trails off, then continues, "There was a time it was me, with my hands.""

Alisaire snorts at Prospera.

Alisaire stands up.

Alisaire just went out.

Ysharra nods to Revalos.

Ysharra asks, "Where you saw them use your body?"

Ysharra asks, "You mean?"

Thrassus shifts his weight.

Revalos says, "I did not see it use my body, I only found the blood on myself when I was released from the haze"

Ysharra nods to Revalos.

Ysharra asks, "Now...could you...just give us a brief detail as to the nature of these crimes?"

Ysharra asks, "What state were the bodies left in?"

Siwas says, "Objection again on irrelevancy.. the shadows that haunted Solhaven were destroyed. Those that remain are imprisoned in a bit of crystal and silver, and this happened long before Juspera's rampage."

Siwas begins to twitch.

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow in Ysharra's direction.

Ysharra says, "I'm establishing a history of motive."

Cappurnicus asks, "For whom?"

Ysharra says, "Outside manipulation by greater forces."

Ysharra nods to Cappurnicus.

Gahread quietly says, "Maybe we should put Revalos on trial instead..."

Siwas gazes heavenward.

Ysharra says, "I will lead to my point."

Cappurnicus nods to Ysharra.

Alisaire came through an ash wood arch.

Alisaire stares at Siwas.

Ysharra says, "And I will say again, that I think I have been more than agreeable when it was not my turn."

Ysharra nods to Cappurnicus.

Alisaire grips her shadowy crystal talisman a little tighter.

Ysharra says, "Fine.  Disregard that, and just tell me this, Revalos."

Cappurnicus says, "This goes for everyone.  I expect a more professional outlook from all.  Defense, continue."

Ysharra asks, "Who commanded those shadows?"

Ysharra asks, "The ones that bound to you, used your body to kill?"

Revalos says, "Draezir."

>whi ysh That may do it.
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

Ysharra says, "You were released from them."

Ysharra asks, "And did you ever come under trial, here in Solhaven?"

Revalos says, "no."

You blink.

Ysharra ponders.

Xanthias looks thoughtfully at Ysharra.

Ysharra says, "I think that's all, Revalos."

Ysharra says, "Thank you."

>whi ysh Groovy.
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

Cappurnicus nods.

Ysharra says, "Your witness, Siwas."

Gahread nods to Siwas.

Gahread stands up.

Gahread strides over to stand before Revalos.

Siwas shrugs.

Siwas nods to Gahread.

>whi ysh Let's hope Siwas does the cross, she wants to go to bed. Oh, dear.
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

Ysharra nods to you.

>whi ysh Let's hope she makes it clear to Gahread she wants to go to bed...
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

Cappurnicus nods to Gahread.

Revalos turns to face Gahread.

Gahread asks, "Revalos, when you were being used by these shadows, how much of those events do you remember?"

Revalos says, "the majority."

Revalos says, "although my vision was occluded several times."

Gahread says, "But you just said that you did not see it use your body... you only found the blood on yourself when you were released from the haze."

You whisper, "I think I remember most of what happened that night. Right? Except... sometimes I only saw red." to your group.

Gahread asks, "How can you say you remember the majority of those events?"

You whisper, "Is that good?" to your group.

Revalos says, "that is correct."

Ysharra nods to you.

Ysharra whispers to the group, "That's...to be expected."

Gahread says, "Revalos, since you are under oath, I will restate my question to make it simpler..."

Revalos nods to Gahread.

Gahread asks, "When you were attacking others, under the possession of those shadows, how much of those events did you recall afterwards?"

Ysharra folds her arms over her chest.

You hear the faint thoughts of Siwas touch your mind:
"I can hardly wait to cross-examine you, you know."

Revalos says, "in the final engagements, the shadow and my being were one and the same.  I felt the quickening pulse, the rush, the warmth of the blood.  I felt it all.  And I nearly lost my mind."

You take a deep breath.

Revalos says, "it makes it hard to forget."

You whisper, "That, that, I felt that." to your group.

Quinstol slowly empties his lungs.

(Revalos stares blankly into the audience.)

Ysharra whispers to the group, "I know you did.  And you will have your turn."

Alisaire buries her face in her hands.

Gahread confusedly asks, "I'm having a very hard time comprehending this. I usually consider myself intelligent, but I can't reconcile these statements. If you didn't see it use your body and only found the blood on yourself when you were released, how could you have felt all of it?"

(Jacina glances at Alisaire from the corner of her eye.)

Ysharra nods to Cappurnicus.

(Rinika slowly scratches her forehead, her expression clearly showing confusion.)

Revalos says, "if you believe that you have a hard time comprehending it, you are not alone.  I do not as well.  Yet they did occur."

You whisper, "Nice response." to your group.

Gahread nods to Revalos.

Ysharra nods to you.

Alisaire sits down.

Gahread says, "No further questions."

Cappurnicus nods.

You tremble.

Gahread sits down.

Ysharra smiles.

Ysharra says, "Revalos, you have my thanks."

Cappurnicus says, "Thank you Revalos."

Revalos stands up.

Cappurnicus nods to Revalos.

Revalos nods to Cappurnicus.

(Revalos strides towards the bench he was seated at originally.)

Revalos turns around.

Cappurnicus asks, "Defense, have you another witness?"

Revalos sits down.

Ysharra says, "In the interests of time, I release two of my witnesses from their duty."

Cappurnicus nods to Ysharra.

You glance at Ysharra.

Ysharra says, "I have one last person to call."

Eponyne sighs.

Ysharra says, "Juspera Spintari.  Take the stand."

Jacina tightens her grip on her ivory silk handkerchief.

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow in your direction.

Prospera nods to you.

You stand back up.

Vonka glances at you.

You stride a few steps forward.

You turn around.

You raise your hand.

You glance at Prospera.

Siwas appears to be lost in thought.

Ariafela stares at you.

Prospera nods to you.

Ysharra says, "Everyone, I know it's been a long night.  We've all tried to go quickly."

You say, "I do. I do."

Prospera says, "Juspera, do you swear by the integ.."

You say, "I do."

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow.

Prospera nods.

You sit down.

Cappurnicus says, "Finish the oath, please."

You glance at Prospera.

Prospera clears her throat.

Ysharra nods to you.

(Xanthias watches Juspera closely.)

Prospera asks, "Juspera, do you swear by the integrity of this court to tell the truth, nothing but the truth and the whole truth?"

You say, "I do."

Prospera nods.

(Prospera returns to her post.)

(Juspera tilts her head up and mouths something at the ceiling.)

Atoyoz grins wryly.

You think to yourself, "For you."

You hear the faint thoughts of Quinstol touch your mind:
"Relax... it'll be okay."

Cappurnicus says, "Very well..."

Ysharra smiles at you.

Quinstol smiles at you.

Cappurnicus says, "Defense, proceed."

Ysharra asks, "Let's cut to the quick, shall we?"

You fidget.

Ysharra asks, "Juspera, did you willfully injure these three people?"

You say, "Yes."

Ysharra asks, "On the night of the 26th?"

Xanthias bites his lip.

Siwas blinks.

Ysharra nods to you.

You nod.

Perigourd starts chortling.

Atoyoz smirks.

Ysharra asks, "Was there any hesitation?"

You blink.

You say, "Sort of... I wanted Maimara."

Ysharra nods to you.

You say, "I didn't want to hurt the other people."

Ysharra asks, "Why did you want Maimara?"

(Juspera flushes a little.)

Ysharra says, "Go on."

You say, "I was angry."

Xanthias blinks at you.

You say, "All those months, everything that happened, everything we did... and no piece."

Ysharra asks, "Why?"

Ysharra says, "Wait, wait."

Eponyne sighs.

You say, "I couldn't--"

Ysharra says, "All these months."

Ysharra says, "Give me an example, Juspera."

You shift your weight.

You say, "All that time in the EN."

Ysharra says, "Everything that happened, that made you so angry."

Ysharra shakes her head.

Ysharra says, "Specifically."

Ysharra asks, "Tell me about what happened to you, to make you so angry?"

You say, "I tried to do so much. I helped build that fort, fought in the invasion, did spying for the resistance."

You say, "I gave up so much."

You bite your lip.

Xanthias blinks at you.

Ysharra says, "I remember you telling me about that.  You had a lot of resistance within the resistance over it, as I recall."

Ysharra asks, "What did you give up, Juspera?"

You glance at Cappurnicus.

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow in your direction.

Achillea rolls her eyes.

Cappurnicus says, "You need only answer truthfully."

You say, "I could've... things could have been different... all the time, they were hurting me, and..."

You say, "They promised me things if I'd go over..."

Ysharra asks, "They were hurting you?"

Ysharra asks, "Who is they?"

You say, "Or I could have just bowed out and none of it would have happened."

You say, "The Alliance."

Siwas examines her fingernails.

Xanthias leans back.

Xanthias folds his arms over his chest.

Ysharra asks, "So the Alliance targetted you for...punishment?"

You say, "For... revenge."

Siwas gets an odd look on her face for a moment.

Xanthias glances at Siwas.

Ysharra says, "And...you said they were promising you..."

You breathe in slightly.

Ysharra asks, "Promising you things so you'd...do what, exactly?"

Mekthros whispers to the group, "Careful."

(Siwas glances back at Xanthias, looking a little surprised herself.)

You say, "They just wanted me to give in and stop fighting."

Ysharra nods to you.

Mekthros slowly empties his lungs.

(Xanthias returns his gaze to Juspera, trying to keep it even.)

Ariafela folds her arms over her chest, glancing at you.

Ysharra asks, "They wanted you to surrender, give in...and join?"

You say, "Not to join really. But to stop fighting with the resistance. And to bow before their gods."

You clear your throat.

Ysharra nods to you.

Ysharra says, "And when you say Dark Alliance..."

Ysharra asks, "Do you mean the followers, alone?"

Poor baby!

You quietly say, "No."

Ysharra says, "Name the followers."

You take a deep breath.

(Jacina strokes Vonka's hair.)

Siwas says, "Objection."

Siwas says, "Irrelevant."

You say, "You, Rekarth, Sepher, Siwas, Angelrise, Pyrocite, Setzier, Armaxis, Maimara, Mekthros..."

(Juspera claps her mouth shut.)

Siwas glances at you.

Cappurnicus asks, "Defense, what purpose does this serve?"

Ysharra says, "I'd say the steps down this road are very relevant."

Ysharra nods to Cappurnicus.

Ysharra says, "She said that she was angry because of what happened."

Cappurnicus asks, "Do you mind elaborating?"

Alisaire looks thoughtfully at you.

Ysharra says, "It's been my job all along to establish why and how she came to lose control."

Ysharra says, "I think it's important to know who was a part of that."

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow.

Ysharra asks, "No less so than my questioning about Draezir, correct?"

Cappurnicus says, "Very well... but remain focused on your job."

(Ysharra lifts her hands again, making a dismissive gesture.)

Ysharra says, "I am trying, your honor."

Cappurnicus says, "Continue."

Ysharra says, "I'll change the subject, slightly."

You tilt your head up.

You think to yourself, "Keep me strong."

Ysharra asks, "Juspera, who made a promise to you?"

Quinstol whispers to the group, "What does he think, that Ysharra wants to expose members of the Dark Alliance as targets for the resistance, or something?"

You feel the blood drain from your face.

You say, "More than one... but Eryael, him, he made the biggest."

You clear your throat.

Ysharra nods.

Siwas mutters something better left unheard.

Siwas folds her arms over her chest.

Ysharra asks, "What did he want to give you?"

(Siwas leans back in her seat.)

You close your eyes for a moment.

You say, "Just rest."

Xanthias grits his teeth.

You say, "He said my rest was coming. He promised."

Ysharra smiles at you.

>rgam get sil pet in sat
You remove a soft rose petal from your fishnet satchel and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Roundtime: 2 sec.

Prospera furrows her brow.

Ysharra asks, "He came to you after we did, right?"

You say, "Before I was hurt. And after."

Ysharra nods to you.

Ysharra says, "When we'd injured you."

Ysharra says, "When we'd tortured you."

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

Ysharra says, "While you were trying to stay true to the resistance."

You say, "Yeah."

Ysharra says, "And promised you solace."

You bite your lip.

You quietly say, "Yes."

Siwas leans forward.

Ysharra says, "That sounds like a good deal of pressure, Juspera."

Ysharra asks, "Why did he sound so appealing?"

Siwas says, "Objection, leading."

You feel the blood drain from your face.

You say, "He--"

Ysharra asks, "Why not just tell him to leave you alone?"

You say, "He didn't, I wanted to kill him."

You exclaim, "I did!"

You say, "But..."

Cappurnicus says, "Hold."

You glance at Cappurnicus.

Mekthros smiles slightly.

Ysharra says, "It's hardly leading to ask for her opinion on her own stress level."

Quinstol mutters under his breath.

Genivie shakes her head.

Siwas says, "You're telling her how she feels."

Siwas says, "Er. Felt."

Ysharra says, "Juspera is the one person very able to judge her state of mind."

Ysharra asks, "You think a person being tortured and fighting in a war wouldn't be?"

Siwas says, "Withdrawn."

Siwas waves her hand in a dismissive gesture.

Cappurnicus says, "Her state of mind, yes... but you needn't lead her so."

You take a deep breath.

You say, "I know how I felt."

You idly scratch your nose.

Cappurnicus nods to you.

Thrassus smirks.

You hear the faint thoughts of Siwas touch your mind:
"I'll just drive my points home when I get the chance to stand where she is right now, that's all."

Ysharra says, "Answer my other question, please."

Ysharra asks, "Why didn't you just tell him no?"

You say, "I did, but..."

You grimace.

Ysharra nods to you.

You say, "I couldn't, couldn't, I couldn't forget about him."

Ysharra asks, "Something else happened?"

Poor baby!

You say, "I knew what he is. I know what he is. But he promised rest."

Xanthias looks at you with concern.

Ysharra says, "Juspera..."

You say, "And I was so tired."

You glance at Ysharra.

Ysharra asks, "What's that in your hand?"

You blink.

You glance at a soft rose petal.

Ysharra points at you.

Achillea glares with disgust at you.

You put a soft rose petal in your fishnet satchel.

You dust off your hands.

Siwas blinks.

Jacina gasps.

Thrassus smirks.

Eponyne gazes heavenward.

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow.

Jacina clasps her hand over her mouth.

Siwas exclaims, "I knew you still had--!"

Siwas blinks.

Siwas clasps her hand over her mouth.

(Juspera sinks down in her chair, a little color touching her cheeks again.)

Siwas says, "Er. Pardon."

Cappurnicus says, "Contain yourself."

Mekthros smiles slightly.

Xanthias gulps.

Eponyne whispers to the group, "What the hell is she doin'?"

Kinshack folds his arms over his chest.

Rinika blinks.

Ysharra glances at Siwas.

You hear the faint thoughts of Siwas touch your mind:
"I knew you still had that!"

Mekthros whispers to the group, "His hold on her is strong."

You squeakily say, "Petal."

Ysharra asks, "You recognize it?"

Siwas glances at Ysharra.

Cappurnicus says, "Defense, continue your questioning."

(Kinshack looks around the courtroom, his face expressionless.)

Siwas says, "I am not on the stand."

Cappurnicus says, "Toward the witness."

Cappurnicus nods to Ysharra.

Prospera gets a blank look on her face.

Siwas points at you.

Ysharra smiles at Cappurnicus.

Mekthros whispers to the group, "She did not realize."

Ysharra asks, "Was that given to you by Eryael?"

Mekthros looks thoughtfully at you.

(Juspera wipes her sweaty hands on her skirt.)

You nod.

Ysharra says, "It wasn't in your hand a moment ago."

Ysharra says, "You seemed surprised to see it."

Jacina mutters bitterly.

(Juspera shrugs, helplessly.)

Perigourd whispers, "you know what's really sad"

Ysharra asks, "Did you know it was there?"

Eponyne shifts her eyes to you.

Perigourd whispers, "there are people here in this room far guiltier of worse crimes than you've ever committed"

Mekthros whispers to the group, "It reminds her of their agreement.  Of his pledge."

You say, "I wasn't paying attention."

Cappurnicus says, "Answer the question, please."

Alisaire rolls her eyes.

Perigourd whispers, "yet they stand never to trial"

Poor baby!

You say, "No..."

You say, "I'm sorry."

Ysharra says, "Let the court record show that the defendent unmindfully pulled out a memento given to her by Eryael."

Ariafela rolls her eyes.

You stare at Ysharra.

Thrassus shakes his head.

Genivie shakes her head.

Mekthros whispers to the group, "Simply go with it, thief."

Cappurnicus says, "So noted."

You glance at Mekthros.

Mekthros whispers to the group, "It may save your life."

Ysharra asks, "It got harder to argue with him, didn't it?"

Cappurnicus says, "Again..."

Ysharra whispers to the group, "Time for the list of savages, I'm afraid."

You say, "I got tired."

You clear your throat.

You say, "I mean, yes."

Cappurnicus glances at Ysharra.

Ysharra nods to Cappurnicus.

Ysharra says, "I have cause."

Siwas says, "Leading the witness. I object, again."

(Juspera sinks an inch lower in her chair, her flush deepening.)

Siwas tilts her head up.

Ysharra says, "I'm trying to establish why she fell under his power."

Your jaw drops.

Cappurnicus furrows his brow.

You angrily exclaim, "I didn't!"

You stand back up.

Ysharra says, "I don't think it's much to ask how it happened.  Gahread asked much the same questions about Mekth-"

Xanthias bites his lip.

Genivie glances at you.

Thrassus raises an eyebrow.

Siwas blinks.

Quinstol frowns.

(Juspera begins to take a step, then stops.)

Ysharra says, "Juspera, take your seat, please."

Genivie raises an eyebrow.

Cappurnicus says, "Please be seated, Juspera."

You take a deep breath.

Mnar glances at Prospera.

You sit down.

(Jacina reaches for Kinshack.)

Mekthros whispers to the group, "Seat yourself and calm down."

Eponyne bites her lip.

Siwas laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

You tremble.

Siwas clasps her hand over her mouth.

Ysharra whispers to the group, "She certainly does."

Alisaire smirks.

Kinshack rubs Jacina gently.

Prospera nods.

Cappurnicus says, "Very well, Defense... but be careful in your words."

Ysharra says, "Juspera...give me the specifics of what was done to you."

You hear the faint thoughts of Siwas touch your mind:
"That's it, Juspera.. show how you're really not in control of your temper. That's all it is.. temper. Not insanity, not possession.."

Mekthros places his hand on his Sheru symbol.

You feel the blood drain from your face.

Mekthros closes his eyes for a moment.

Prospera folds her arms over her chest.

(Mekthros whispers quietly.)

You ask, "You mean the... in the Nations, the...?"

You say, "Uh..."

Ysharra says, "I'm establishing how and why a person attracts the attention of such a creature."

Ysharra says, "Whether it be a shadow, or a man with a flower."

Ysharra nods to Cappurnicus.

Cappurnicus nods.

Siwas traces the lines of her thin scar.

Siwas shifts her weight.

You say, "Maimara and Achillea and Rumpkin had me tied to a bed and they cut the skin off my arm and burned it, and Maimara ate my finger and Achillea cut my face up..."

You clear your throat.

Ysharra nods to you.

Ysharra asks, "And that was just one time?"

Xanthias breathes in slightly.

(Vonka covers her ears and shuts her eyes.)

A pained expression crosses Prospera's face.

You say, "You had me nailed to a table, and Rekarth blew my limbs off, and Aramana cut open my stomach and took out my... guts and ate them in front of me, and you cut open my face."

Prospera says, "eew"

You glance at Ysharra.

Ysharra nods to you.

(Juspera's voice takes on a dull quality as she speaks.)

Ysharra says, "I cut your hand, too."

(Vonka rubs her stomach.)

Achillea glances at you.

Quinstol frowns.

Perigourd asks, "and you folks have juspera on trial?"

Perigourd smirks.

Eponyne slowly empties her lungs.

(Jacina squeezes Vonka's shoulder and pulls her close, whispering sweetly to her.)

You monotonously say, "Grhim had me tied up and Sepher and you, and he pulled out my teeth while I was alive and conscious..."

(Kinshack leans back and stretches his arms out to either side of him on the bench, one draped around Jacina's shoulders, the other drumming idly against the wood.  His face still expressionless as he watches Juspera.)

Vonka whimpers.

Eponyne cringes.

Quinstol's face turns slightly pale.

Prospera clears her throat.

Mekthros smiles slightly.

Ysharra asks, "There was another time with Aramana, yes?"

You monotonously say, "Pyrocite and Aramana caught me spying and they put a knife in my kidney and dragged me around for an hour to keep the guards from rescuing me..."

Ysharra nods to you.

(Juspera nods just perceptibly.)

Eponyne's face turns slightly pale.

Alisaire examines her fingernails.

Siwas tersely says, "I cannot see what possible bearing this has on the proceedings. None of those involved were the ones Juspera attacked.."

Vonka bursts into tears!

Xanthias clenches his jaw.

Ysharra says, "We punished you.  For doing your duty to the Resistance."

Ariafela nods to Siwas.

Quinstol glances at Siwas.

Mnar tilts his head down.

Quinstol grins wryly.

Ysharra says, "I've already explained the reasons for my questioning."

Jacina clasps her arms around her knees and rocks back and forth.

Cappurnicus says, "Indeed."

You monotonously say, "Sepher staked me to the ground and cut open my eye, my thigh and my arm, and my face... he staked me with arrows... he sat on top of me..."

Ysharra says, "I don't see why I need to do so again."

Perigourd's entire body tenses as he clenches his fist.

Vonka sobs.

Ariafela stares at you.

You think to yourself for awhile...
Roundtime 10 seconds.

Cappurnicus says, "I believe that is enough of it."

Ysharra says, "I'm not sure she can stop."

Achillea scowls.

You monotonously say, "And..."

(Mekthros stares triumphantly at Juspera, his eyes gleaming brightly.)

You say, "Draezir..."

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow.

You say, "No."

Ysharra asks, "You made fun of him, didn't you?"

You say, "No."

You say, "No, I take it back."

Mekthros quietly says, "Yes..."

Ysharra asks, "At first?"

You tremble.

You glance at Cappurnicus.

You say, "No."

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow in your direction.

Ysharra says, "Tell us about him."

You say, "No, I was lying."

You say, "No."

Mekthros whispers to the group, "Tell them now."

Rinika raises an eyebrow.

You quickly say, "No, I take it back, none of those things happened."

Alisaire folds her arms over her chest.

Ysharra says, "Juspera, tell us about Draezir."

Cappurnicus says, "Answer her question please."

You glance at Rinika.

Xanthias stares at you.

You say, "Rinika."

(Vonka leans forward, clutching her stomach tightly.)

You stand back up.

You stride over to stand before Rinika.

You see Rinika the Poetess.
She appears to be a Human from Dragach.
She appears to be youthful and shorter than average.  She has bright sea green eyes and freckled skin.  She has shoulder length, wavy red hair worn in two pigtails.  She has a round face, a small nose and pouting lips.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a rose-clasped soft blue suede book in her right hand.
She is wearing a bright coppery vultite shield, some vultite cuirbouilli leather, an embroidered sunny yellow skirt, a snowflake embroidered pouch, a deep blue leather baldric, a deep blue satin cloak, a blue flower-trimmed hat, a periwinkle blue bowtie, a paint-stained smock, a braided penguin-clasped belt, some black high-buttoned shoes, a sleek black compass case, a grey Jastev ring, and a crystal amulet.

Rinika tilts her head up.

Cappurnicus says, "Juspera, sit back down."

(Juspera tries to take Rinika's book.)

Ysharra raises her hand.

Rinika asks, "Er... Juspera?"

Quinstol blinks.

Ysharra says, "Juspera does not have to answer any questions, actually."

You tremble like a leaf.

You say, "Take it off the record."

Ysharra says, "She is the defendent, it is her right."

You glance at Cappurnicus.

(Mekthros closes his eyes and begins whispering quietly.)

Mnar glances at Prospera.

Mekthros places his hand on his Sheru symbol.

(Rinika hesitantly gives her book to Juspera.)

Genivie rolls her eyes.

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow in Rinika's direction.

Rinika offers you a rose-clasped soft blue suede book.  Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it.  The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
You accept Rinika's offer and are now holding a rose-clasped soft blue suede book.

Ysharra says, "Sit down, please."

Jacina glances at you.

(Kinshack smirks slightly and shakes his head.)

Ysharra says, "Juspera, let her keep it."

Ysharra says, "And sit down."

(Juspera rips the last page out of the book, tears it with her teeth then lets it fall to the floor.)

Cappurnicus says, "It has been stated.  Return the book and sit down."

Quinstol blinks.

Siwas blinks at you.

You offer your soft blue suede book to Rinika, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer.  Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You turn around.

Rinika works her fingers under her flower-trimmed hat and scratches her head.

You glance at Ysharra.

Xanthias tilts his head down.

Rinika has accepted your offer and is now holding a rose-clasped soft blue suede book.

Ysharra says, "Please."

Ysharra nods to you.

Rinika looks about with a puzzled expression on her face.

Genivie shakes her head.

(Xanthias rests his forehead in his hand.)

(Siwas glances down at the page on the floor.)

You tremble.

Siwas looks at you, puzzled.

Quinstol shakes his head.

Thrassus shakes his head.

(Juspera returns to the stand.)

You feel a bit weak in the knees and find yourself wobbling.

You sit down.

Ysharra says, "Let's try this once more."

(Rinika watches Juspera with a pleading 'what?' expression.)

Ysharra says, "After these...tortures..."

You say, "No."

You say, "They didn't happen."

Mekthros whispers to the group, "You lie before Koar."

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow.

Ysharra says, "You got more from just the Alliance supporters."

Mekthros whispers to the group, "Before... Koar."

Prospera glances at Cappurnicus.

(Juspera pushes back into her chair.)

You glance at Ysharra.

(Jacina hums quietly to Vonka, swaying slightly with her arms around her.)

Mekthros whispers to the group, "Tell them the truth."

Quinstol blinks at you.

Ysharra says, "You were also subject to the will of the priests."

Rinika gazes thoughtfully at her soft blue suede book.

Ysharra says, "To Eryael.  To Draezir."

Ysharra says, "Tell them, Juspera."

You clear your throat.

Ysharra exclaims, "List off all the things they said to you!"

Aeillwyna turns an inquisitive ear towards you.

(Juspera stares at Ysharra, turning white, then flushed again.)

You glance at Cappurnicus.

Ysharra says, "You used to make fun of Draezir, here in Solhaven."

Ysharra says, "Oh, excuse me."

You weakly say, "Yes..."

Ysharra says, "At the time it was Nighthaven."

Mekthros quietly says, "Nighthaven."

Mekthros nods.

Ysharra asks, "What did he do?"

Rinika shudders.

(Xanthias raptly watches and listens to Juspera.)

Ysharra says, "Come on.  Tell us about your punishments."

You say, "He killed me a lot. He bound me and let his soldiers kill me. He sent me waking nightmares. He locked me in a room and set it on fire."

Mnar winces.

Ysharra says, "Your hands."

Ysharra nods to you.

(Juspera pulls her hands into loose fists.)

Ysharra asks, "He made your hands explode, didn't he?"

You say, "...the jackals ate them off."

Eponyne bites her lip.

Ysharra nods to you.

Xanthias wrinkles his nose.

Ysharra asks, "And this happened again, didn't it?"

You nod.

Ysharra says, "The jackals came."

(Rinika fold her arms over in a thoughtful expression.)

Ysharra asks, "And what did they do?"

You say, "Pulled me down, ate parts of me."

Vonka shudders.

Ysharra says, "They mauled you."

(Xanthias looks vaguely ill.)

Frau gags.

You nod.

Rinika passes a hand over her freckled face.

Ysharra asks, "And what else?"

(Siwas looks a bit ill herself, taking a sudden fascination in the ceiling.)

You say, "They didn't do anything else. They were nightmares."

Ysharra nods to you.

Ysharra asks, "Nightmares?"

Ysharra asks, "You mean...you saw these things, in your sleep?"

You say, "Waking nightmares."

Ysharra blinks at you.

You say, "When I displeased Draezir in Solhaven, or that night in Sylvarraend."

Ysharra says, "Tell us about that night."

Eponyne shivers.

Ysharra says, "And what your...nightmares did."

Ysharra touches Eponyne.

Ysharra moves to stand behind Eponyne.

You say, "I was fighting in the invasion and heard a growl, then the jackals came and ate me."

You say, "I survived and I went to Sylvarraend but I kept hearing growling."

Eponyne closes her eyes for a moment.

(Ysharra lays a hand on Eponyne's shoulder, never lowering her gaze from the witness stand.)

Siwas folds her arms over her chest.

Siwas sighs.

Siwas shifts her weight.

You say, "Then after that was when I started eating people."

You say, "And after that was all over, more jackals."

Xanthias blinks.

Quinstol shifts his weight.

Eponyne bites her lip.

Siwas gets an odd look on her face for a moment.

Ysharra asks, "Do you know who you killed?"

(Xanthias nods slowly.)

You nod.

Jacina's face turns slightly pale.

You say, "Eponyne and Quinstol."

Ysharra says, "They're here today."

(Eponyne nods faintly.)

You nod.

Ysharra smiles.

Ysharra says, "They were also meant to be my witnesses."

Ysharra says, "Now."

Ysharra says, "Let's move west."

Ysharra nods to you.

You shift your weight.

Prospera glances at Ysharra.

Ysharra says, "And tell me what happened to you on the night of the 26th."

You ask, "Start from when?"

(Jacina's eyes flicker up toward Quinstol, then back to Vonka.)

Ysharra says, "You said you were angry."

Ysharra says, "About Maimara."

You say, "Kinshack told me Maimara'd given up the piece."

You say, "That's when the bad things started."

Ysharra nods to you.

Alisaire narrows her eyes.

Ysharra says, "To Eryael."

You say, "I got dizzy and my vision got--"

You clear your throat.

You say, "My vision got cloudy."

Ysharra asks, "You couldn't see?"

You say, "I could see. Not well."

Ysharra says, "Distorted."

You say, "I lost my peripheral vision"

Ysharra nods to you.

You say, "Everything had a red tint."

Mekthros looks thoughtfully at you.

Ysharra says, "Like a gatehorse with blinders-a very oddly-colored set."

You say, "I know I passed out because I remember coming to in Maimara's sanctuary."

Ysharra nods to you.

Ysharra asks, "Was she there when this happened?"

You say, "After that I don't remember much for a bit, I was at a table with Maimara and Kinshack."

You nod.

Ysharra nods to you.

Ysharra asks, "So Maimara saw you passed out?"

You say, "I wanted to hurt Maimara, when I looked at her I saw blood on her face."

You say, "Yeah."

You say, "She would have seen me come to."

Ysharra says, "Interesting.  Could have sworn she testified that you didn't."

You say, "Maybe she even made the sanctuary for me because I was passed out."

Ysharra nods to you.

Gahread says, "Objection..."

Gahread says, "The witness has no basis for this speculation."

Ysharra says, "True."

Ysharra nods.

You nod.

Ysharra says, "No argument."

Cappurnicus nods to Gahread.

You say, "So I was at the table and Maimara left before I could hurt her."

You say, "So I went to see Tierus."

You say, "I don't remember much of that."

Ysharra says, "Tierus, the Mularosian."

You say, "I needed to hurt somebody."

You say, "But I couldn't--"

You say, "Yeah."

(Songowl furrows his brow, begins flipping through the scraps of paper he had been jotting things on, then huddles with the jurors.)

Ysharra says, "Who had been a part of some of the attacks on you."

You bite your lip.

Ysharra whispers, "Troll juice!"

You say, "He has attacked me and tried to use a spell on me to make me bloodlust...ful."

You say, "But not torture."

Ysharra nods to you.

You clearly say, "No one tortured me."

Ysharra says, "Some sort of...trollblood concoction, as I recall."

You nod.

Ysharra asks, "What happened with Tierus?"

You blink.

You say, "I don't remember."

Rinika carefully opens a rose-clasped soft blue suede book.

(Xanthias shifts uncomfortably in his seat.)

Mekthros whispers to the group, "She doesn't."

You say, "It was in the temple of Mularos."

Ysharra asks, "You went to see him, but you don't remember what you spoke about?"

You shake your head.

Ysharra whispers to the group, "I know.  That's good, actually."

Ysharra nods.

Ysharra asks, "What's the next thing you recall?"

You say, "I had to give him back something he lent me, maybe... er, sorry."

You say, "Trying to find an enemy, to hurt them."

Mekthros whispers to the group, "Yes, the horn."

You say, "But I couldn't find one."

Ysharra nods to you.

Xanthias tilts his head down.

Siwas furrows her brow.

You say, "Couldn't find Maimara, or Tierus, or Alisaire..."

Ysharra asks, "An enemy...someone who'd hurt you?"

(Jacina idly runs her fingertips along her mouth.)

You nod.

Ysharra nods to you.

Ysharra says, "I see."

(Rinika turn pages and adds up some more scribbles, correcting things and adding sketches.)

You weakly say, "But I was desperate."

Ysharra asks, "So what happened when your search proved no Alliance supporters?"

You say, "I found someone I thought I could beat up."

You clear your throat.

You say, "Xanthias."

Ysharra says, "Ah, right."

Xanthias bites his lip.

Ysharra says, "Because he's not very manly."

Xanthias tilts his head down.

Your cheeks take on a slightly flushed tone.

(Xanthias doesn't manage to not flush.)

Cappurnicus raises an eyebrow.

Ysharra asks, "That is what you said, right?"

You say, "I had said so, in the past."

You say, "After what happened to him with Siwas I knew he was a very strong person."

Xanthias gulps.

You say, "But I just... wasn't thinking that night."

Siwas blinks.

Ysharra nods to you.

Vonka gives Xanthias a quick little smooch.

(Siwas turns an odd shade of pale beneath her dusky complexion.)

Xanthias blushes a nice shade of rosy pink.

You remove a fancy pink bandana from in your cotton haversack.

You say, "I just remembered this."

Ysharra says, "He'd been tortured like you, but at the time, you weren't thinking right."

Ysharra nods.

You put a fancy pink bandana in your cotton haversack.

Ysharra nods.

You say, "And I pulled him upstairs in the inn and tried to cut up his face."

Siwas clenches her fist.

Vonka winces.

Ysharra asks, "It's a common theme for what happened to you, isn't it?"

You say, "But he resisted and that wasn't any good, so I left."

You blink at Ysharra.

Ysharra nods to you.

You take a deep breath.

Ysharra says, "Because he's strong."

You glance at Cappurnicus.

You nod.

Ysharra asks, "So you...had to find someone else?"

Ysharra asks, "Who did you find?"

Kinshack clenches his jaw.

Kinshack glances at Jacina.

Mekthros leans back.

You say, "Yeah."

You point at Jacina.

You clear your throat.

Jacina closes her eyes for a moment.

Kinshack gently rests his hand on Jacina's shoulder.

You say, "I had to. I had to do it."

Mekthros smiles slightly, looking at Juspera with a fixed gaze.

You say, "I took her in the inn and I did it."

Ysharra nods to you.

Ysharra says, "Describe did it."

Xanthias bites his lip.

Jacina seems to be trying to figure out how to turn an ivory silk handkerchief.

You say, "I threw her down and hit her in the face."

Vonka hugs Jacina.

You say, "Then Kinshack and Maimara came in."

Ysharra says, "Maimara said she was a bloody wreck on the floor."

You quietly say, "And I just wanted Kinshack to stop me like in Sylvarraend."

You say, "But he had Jacina to attend to."

You nod.

(Jacina swallows hard.)

Ysharra says, "It seems like more than just a kick."

You shake your head.

You say, "I don't remember."

Ysharra says, "All right..."

(Kinshack stares icily at Juspera.)

Ysharra says, "And so they left you to run off, so they could care for her."

Ysharra nods to you.

You say, "Maimara stayed and then Mnar showed up."

Vonka rubs Jacina.

You say, "I don't remember much from then."

Ysharra nods to you.

You say, "I was... it hurt."

You say, "They wouldn't let me out and I had to hurt someone."

(Alisaire settles back in her chair.)

You say, "But it was a sanctuary."

Ysharra nods to you.

You say, "And they were too strong to pull down on the ground."

Ysharra asks, "So it hadn't been enough?"

Aeillwyna looks thoughtfully at you.

You say, "I needed more."

(Juspera's voice gets a little hoarse.)

Ysharra asks, "The punishments you'd doled out?"

You take a deep breath.

You say, "I felt like I would pass out again."

Ysharra asks, "Did you?"

You say, "Mekthros, Mekthros revealed himself, he'd been there invisible the whole time and I tried to get him."

You shake your head.

Ysharra says, "Ah, I see."

Ysharra says, "A supporter."

You say, "I got out and Mekthros got out and I told him to meet me in a cave outside town."

Ysharra nods to you.

You say, "He would let me hurt him."

You say, "It would be good."

You say, "An enemy."

You say, "But I went there and waited and he didn't come."

You grimace.

Ysharra asks, "So you left?"

Mekthros smiles slightly.

You quietly say, "And then... I heard Vonka on the net."

You tremble.

Eponyne sighs.

You say, "And I had to. I had to do it. Vonka."

(Rinika's gaze slowly shifts from Mekthros to Juspera.)

Ysharra says, "Vonka.  Who had made you angry."

Mekthros stares at you.

Mekthros nods.

You blink at Ysharra.

You say, "Yes, but... no... you should hear her scream... she cried for Eryael..."

Vonka furrows her brow.

You say, "I told her to meet me in the Captain's Rest."

Ysharra asks, "Vonka cried for Eryael?"

Jacina looks at Vonka blankly, at a loss to express herself.

You say, "And I did it to--"

Vonka nods.

You squeakily say, "Yes."

Cappurnicus furrows his brow.

Ysharra looks thoughtfully at you.

Prospera furrows her brow.

Ysharra asks, "Are you absolutely certain about that?"

You nod.

(Rinika discreetly glance at Mekthros and makes a quick, swift sketching in her book.)

Ysharra stares at you.

(Xanthias shifts his position several times, unable to get comfortable in his chair.)

Quinstol shifts his weight.

Prospera seems puzzled.

(Juspera shrinks back.)

Thrassus leans back.

Mekthros whispers to the group, "She should be."

Ysharra says, "You found her in the Rest..."

Mekthros whispers to the group, "She did."

Mekthros whispers to the group, "Vonka, that is."

You say, "I threw her down and I cut her. Just enough to hear her make that noise."

You say, "But then I went back to wait for Mekthros."

You say, "Mekthros was an enemy."

You breathe rapidly, your nostrils flaring.

Ysharra says, "You'd finally found what you wanted."

You say, "And I did the whole job on him."

(Mekthros locks eyes with Juspera, nodding his head once.)

You say, "And I finished, and then I felt better."

You clear your throat.

Vonka shudders.

Ysharra asks, "Fingernails, face, stomach?"

Jacina rubs Vonka gently.

Ysharra asks, "What about his eyebrows?"

You say, "All his fingernails gone. His face all cut up."

You blink.

You shake your head.

Vonka stares at you.

Ysharra asks, "Anything else, Juspera?"

Mekthros smiles at Juspera, a dull glint in his eyes.

You say, "That's all I did to him."

You say, "Then I went back to town and I locked myself in the Trading Post."

Cappurnicus nods.

Eponyne bites her lip.

Ysharra nods to you.

You say, "I thought the world was going to end."

You say, "But Vonka came to sleep in the bed beside me."

Ysharra asks, "Vonka did?"

Ariafela blinks.

You nod.

Achillea blinks at Vonka.

Ysharra asks, "The one crying for Eryael?"

Rinika bites her lip.

Vonka nods.

You nod.

Jacina leans back.

Vonka says, "I weren' cryin' out fer 'im...."

Vonka clasps her hand over her mouth.

Ysharra says, "And the next few days..."

Vonka glances at Cappurnicus.

Vonka hangs her head.

Cappurnicus says, "The jury will ignore Vonka's outburst."

Ysharra says, "There's a theory in Mularosian dogma."

Ysharra says, "That says all cries go out to him."

Perigourd snorts.

You monotonously say, "And the next few days I just..."

Songowl nods to Cappurnicus.

You shake your head.

Ariafela rolls her eyes.

Siwas blinks at Ysharra.

Ysharra asks, "Did you speak to any of the other victims?"

You clear your throat.

You notice a vein pulsing in Xanthias's forehead.

Siwas says, "Objection. The Defense is not qualified to speak on.. oh, nevermind"

Siwas says, "Withdrawn."

Siwas shakes her head.

You say, "I spoke with Xanthias last night. And that's all."

You say, "Mekthros, if he counts. Every day, Mekthros. He thought to me all the time."

You say, "Hours every day."

Ysharra nods to you.

Mekthros smiles dimly.

Ysharra says, "Well, he's a Sheruvian."

Ysharra says, "An enemy."

Ysharra says, "One in a long line of people on the Alliance side who have had it out for you."

Ysharra asks, "And more than just that, eh?"

You shift your weight.

Cappurnicus glances at Ysharra.

Cappurnicus says, "That's enough."

(Juspera glances at the torn page on the floor.)

Ysharra says, "I'm just making a circle."

Ysharra nods to Cappurnicus.

Ysharra says, "You repeatedly asked for why I was bringing it up."

Ysharra says, "Now you know."

You weakly say, "I did it. I hurt those people."

Ysharra says, "We all know that, Juspera."

Eponyne sighs.

(Xanthias rubs his jaw slightly.)

Xanthias frowns.

Ysharra says, "Your fingers were sliced open by me."

Ysharra says, "Your stomach by Aramana."

(Juspera pulls her hands into loose fists again.)

Rinika shudders.

You quietly say, "No."

Ysharra says, "Punishments meted out over and over."

Genivie glances at Ysharra.

Gahread nods to Siwas.

Achillea shakes her head.

Ysharra says, "It's not at all curious that they popped up again, in your own actions."

Ysharra asks, "What did Xanthias have to say?"

Ysharra asks, "Was he angry with you?"

You say, "He just offered me his support."

Jacina glances at Xanthias.

You say, "He might have been, but he didn't express it."

Xanthias clears his throat.

Ysharra says, "So...out of those who you attacked..."

(Xanthias avoids everyone's gaze.)

Ysharra says, "Most of them don't want you prosecuted."

You quietly say, "I guess."

Siwas says, "Objection, hearsay. None of the witnesses have stated such."

(Rinika conspicuously leans over to Vonka and shows her a sketch in her book.)

Cappurnicus says, "Sustained."

Xanthias says, "I vill state as such."

Xanthias bites his lip.

Cappurnicus frowns.

Siwas says, "You're not on the stand."

Siwas glances at Xanthias.

Xanthias says, "Sorry."

Genivie shakes her head.

Jacina scowls at Xanthias.

Xanthias gulps.

Siwas says, "Move to strike that from the record."

Xanthias tilts his head down.

Siwas peers quizzically at Cappurnicus.

Cappurnicus says, "The jury will ignore Xanthias' outburst."

Siwas nods.

Songowl nods to Cappurnicus.

Cappurnicus glances at Ysharra.

You hear the faint thoughts of Mekthros echo in your mind:
"The trial of Juspera Spintari enters its fifth hour in the Trading Post."

Ysharra says, "I'm finished."

Ysharra smiles.

Cappurnicus says, "Very well."

Ysharra says, "Siwas."

Eponyne slowly empties her lungs.

Ysharra nods to Siwas.

You squirm.

Siwas blinks.

Siwas stands up.

Cappurnicus nods to Siwas.

Xanthias grits his teeth.

Siwas says, "I'll make this as fast as I can."

Siwas says, "Juspera. Just to recap."

Siwas asks, "You assaulted Vonka, Jacina, and Xanthias. Yes?"

You nod.

Siwas asks, "You tried to stab Xanthias, yes?"

Siwas peers quizzically at you.

You say, "I don't remember."

You say, "Just hitting him."

(Jacina touches her hand to her cheek.)

Siwas asks, "But you DO remember attacking all three of them?"

You nod.

Xanthias bites his lip.

Siwas says, "You must, since you told ME about it a day or two later."

Siwas asks, "Do you enjoy hurting people, Juspera?"

You feel the blood drain from your face.

Rinika cocks her head at you.

(Juspera sinks down yet another inch in her chair.)

You quietly say, "Sometimes."

Siwas asks, "You've said it makes you feel powerful. Do you enjoy that?"

You quietly say, "Yes."

Siwas says, "It's like a drug, isn't it? The power over someone else, knowing they can't stop you."

Siwas peers quizzically at you.

You nod.

Ysharra nods to Mekthros.

Cappurnicus says, "Careful, Counsel."

Siwas nods to Cappurnicus.

(Alisaire flips her hand limply.)

Siwas says, "Apologies."

[Trading Post, Foyer]
The foyer is decorated with banners from nearby cities.  A large, pine desk sits in one corner of the room.  Near the entrance, a rickety podium, covered with a thick layer of dust, stands to greet visitors.  Chairs and tables, clearly not often used, are placed at intervals along the unadorned wooden walls.  You also see an ash wood arch with a small wooden sign on it, a thick canvas curtain and a curving staircase.
Also here: Divid who is sitting, Thrassus who is sitting, Lumaco, Alisaire who is sitting, Atoyoz, Kinshack who is sitting, Perigourd, Xeniphite, Cappurnicus, Revalos who is sitting, Genivie who is sitting, Quinstol who is sitting, Rhyshadow who is sitting, Lecea who is sitting, Songowl who is sitting, Prospera, Mnar who is sitting, Eponyne who is sitting, Mekthros who is sitting, Lady Ysharra, Xanthias who is sitting, Vonka who is sitting, Gahread who is sitting, Lady Jacina who is sitting, Siwas, Rinika who is sitting, Ariafela who is sitting, Aeillwyna who is sitting, Achillea who is sitting
Obvious exits: out

Aeillwyna furrows her brow.

Siwas says, "You had an interesting youth, Juspera."

Siwas asks, "You were a member of a gang, were you not?"

You shift your weight.

You glance at Ysharra.

You say, "Yes."

Rinika idly scrawls something on a page in her soft blue suede book.

Siwas asks, "And a hallmark of this gang was to hurt people by straddling them and pinning their arms with their knees, wasn't it?"

Siwas asks, "And raking a dagger down their cheeks?"

Siwas peers quizzically at you.

You take a deep breath.

Jacina blinks.

You say, "Yes."

Thrassus glances at you.

Achillea blinks.

Ariafela shifts her weight, trembling slightly.

Ariafela stares at you.

Jacina's jaw drops.

Mekthros smirks.

Siwas asks, "..just as you have done recently. Odd. That's how you pinned down Jacina, Vonka, and Xanthias, isn't it?"

Ysharra nods to Mekthros.

Mekthros nods to Ysharra.

Vonka shudders.

(Juspera squirms back into her chair.)

You say, "Yes."

You abruptly say, "I was twelve--"

Siwas says, "In fact, you still bear a symbol.. so to speak.. of your time with the gang."

(Juspera closes her mouth.)

Eponyne glances at you.

Siwas asks, "True, or no?"

(Siwas glances sharply at Juspera.)

Mnar frowns.

You shake your head.

(Xanthias watches Juspera closely.)

You say, "Not that I know of."

Mekthros's face turns slightly pale.

Siwas asks, "No? Not at all?"

Siwas stares at you.

Siwas says, "You are under oath."

You shake your head.

Siwas says, "Remember that."

Prospera glances at Siwas.

You clear your throat.

Ysharra says, "Objection."

Siwas says, "Withdrawn."

Siwas says, "Let me rephrase."

Cappurnicus nods.

Siwas asks, "Juspera, do you bear a symbol, a brand, tattoo, or what have you.. or some sort of other permanent remembrance of your time in this gang?"

(Siwas was likely confusing two separate parts of Juspera's past... and I'll say no more than that.)

You shake your head.

Alisaire slips her gloves easily off her hands.

Alisaire put some cuffed bronze suede gloves in her woven wool satchel.

(Siwas purses her lips thoughtfully, pausing.)

Ysharra says, "Juspera is under oath to tell the truth."

Alisaire examines her fingernails.

You quietly say, "I lost my maidenhead there, but that's all."

Your cheeks take on a slightly flushed tone.

Ysharra says, "She is not under oath to answer, as the defendent."

Siwas gets an odd look on her face for a moment.

Vonka looks rather confused.

Xanthias tilts his head down.

Jacina coughs.

Siwas says, "That was.. more than I needed to know."

Siwas coughs.

Thrassus scratches his head.

Rinika scratches her chin.

A pained expression crosses Atoyoz's face.

Siwas says, "Regardless.. you harmed these people in the SAME WAY you did years ago, in your gang."

Siwas says, "And you have a history of harming people like this."

You close your eyes for a moment.

You nod.

Siwas asks, "You do, don't you?"

You quietly say, "Yes."

Siwas says, "You hurt others in Ta'Illistim like that."

Siwas turns around.

Siwas says, "In fact, I daresay you were in your right mind the entire time, Juspera.."

Siwas says, "You knew what you were doing. You remembered all of it."

Siwas asks, "Did you not?"

(Juspera flushes, slipping down another half-inch in her seat.)

(Siwas turns back towards Juspera.)

You shake your head.

You ask, "I remember maybe... two thirds...?"

Siwas says, "No? You said earlier that you remembered attacking them."

You nod.

Siwas says, "I refer only to the attacks you made on the three in question."

You say, "I don't remember... how long I took... exactly what I said... how much I hit them..."

You say, "Just a blur."

Siwas asks, "So, you have admitted that you attacked them, that you enjoy hurting others because of the power it gives you, and that you have a history of doing exactly this sort of assault, yes?"

Siwas peers quizzically at you.

You hang your head.

You nod.

Siwas asks, "Speak louder, please?"

Rinika sighs quietly.

Xanthias slowly empties his lungs.

Siwas turns an inquisitive ear towards you.

You quietly say, "Yes."

Siwas says, "No further questions."

Siwas nods.

Ysharra smiles.

Achillea smiles quietly to herself.

Cappurnicus nods.

Ysharra says, "I have no more witnesses, your honor."

Cappurnicus says, "Thank you Juspera.  You may return to your seat."

>whi ysh You might mention in your final statement that Draezir knows Juspera has a history... and who else would he choose to control?
You whisper quietly to Ysharra.

Cappurnicus says, "Very well."

You stand back up.

Siwas sits down.

Ysharra whispers, "I will."

Rinika tilts her head up.

You sit down.

Cappurnicus says, "Then we will move to closing arguments."

Cappurnicus says, "Prosecution, please proceed."

Part 5: Closing statements, waiting on pins and needles

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