Juspera's Good Ole GS4 Page / Humor

The Dark Alliance Musical

"I think perhaps you miss the point.
A cure's for both. Let's blow this joint!
Unless, of course, you'd like to sing...
Oh, I don't know. Hm. EVERYTHING?"
- Tierus

I started writing this, once upon a time, because... well, why does anyone write anything? The Griffin Sword Saga was begging for a musical episode, and I had time on my hands. It shows promise, but as you can see the work remains unfinished.

Ysharra sings:
"I have a question.
Why are we singing?"

Ysharra appears to be waiting for something.

Ysharra sings:
"Is it a plot? If Ulstram's blind,
Ensure his ears are ringing?"

Tierus sings:
"Ah sing because mah voice is sweet
And finely suited to th' rhyme.
Because ah want to, nae because
Ah couldnae stop a' any time."

Siwas rolls her eyes.

Siwas sings:
"A curse, Ysharra, nothing more,
Some punishment -- a pennance curse.
Perhaps for letting Harith die,
Our failing her? Or something worse?"

Naamit sings:
"It's not for Harith's death we're cursed,
Or even for Tierus's verse."

Dispater sings:
"It could be Casmus!
Casmus, with his wrathful glove
Sends Ali'shara all his love
A singing telegram to bear
His warmth to woman he holds dear!
...I think I'll just be over here."

Alisaire stares at Dispater.

Alisaire scratches at her purple-tinged scar.

Charna sings:
"It could be bunnies..."

Aramana glances at Charna.

Aramana sings:
"I have a theory--"

Charna sings:
"Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes,
They've got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses.
And what's with all the carrots?  
What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?
Bunnies, bunnies, it must be bunnies!"

Rekarth traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...

Charna sings:
"...or maybe midgets..."

Rekarth gestures at Charna.
  CS: +239 - TD: +159 + CvA: +2 + d100: +82 == +164
  Warding failed!
Charna is massively stunned!

Aramana sings:
"We'll lay our lives out on the line
If it's required to stop these rhymes.
We must succeed. It's do or die."

Alisaire sings:
"I've already died a hundred times!"

Rekarth sings:
"A minor irritation's all.
The sword is ours, and they will fall.
...and blast it, I'm singing too, aren't I."

Ysharra nods to Rekarth.

Rekarth sighs.

Rekarth takes a deep breath.

Rekarth sings:
"We battle not for glory, nor
For treasure, nor for fame nor prize
We battle not for accolades --
Distinction's meant for shallower eyes.
When all our work has gone to seed,
When at the end we grasp the sword
And watch Liabo's chokehold slip
That day shall be our lone reward.
Set down your burdens, take up arms"

Ysharra blinks at Rekarth.

Rekarth sings:
"And join with me, my darkling friends
We waver not 'neath war nor curse...
But please, make sure the singing ends."

(Tierus claps lethargically one or two times, affecting a yawn.)

Maimara just arrived.

Maimara sits down.

Maimara buries her face in her hands.

Sepher just arrived.

Sepher frowns.

Sepher asks, "Mai, what's wrong?"

Maimara exclaims, "Everything!"

Sepher sits down.

Sepher clasps Maimara's hand tenderly.

Sepher asks, "Why don't you tell me about it?"

Maimara says, "It's like this..."

Maimara sings:
"I only want to serve my Lord,
I pray for guidance day and night.
My dedication ought to be a beacon and a guiding light
Exemplary for all who choose to follow in my Master's train
Yet here I sit, alone and shunned,
And listen to the pouring rain."

Sepher rubs Maimara tenderly.

Sepher shakes his head.

Sepher sings:
"The world may turn its back on you,
And even Painlord priests may flee,
But those who shun you, this I know:
They do not see what I can see."

Sepher sings:
"They do not see the stalwart heart,
They're blind to all your subtler charms.
They see perhaps your closed-off face
But never once your open arms."

Sepher sings:
"They don't deserve you, sister dear
I'd walk a hundred thousand miles
Uphill both ways, on broken glass
And barefoot, just to make you smile."

Maimara appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Maimara sings:
"Of course you would. I know you well.
Have you forgotten who you are?
That's nothing, when you know for you
How far I'd go, and I'd go far."

Sepher splutters.

Sepher sings:
"I'd take an Ithzir on, no blade --
I'd throttle him until he's blue
Then weave a basket from his hide.
All this, to show my love for you."

Maimara sings:
"But me? I'd flense a halfling boy
And fill the skin with molten steel
To be delivered to your door
To show my brother how I feel."

Sepher sings:
"For you, my love,

Aaaand... that's all she wrote. What do you think, should I finish it?

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