Juspera's Good Ole GS4 Page

GS3 Page - Guides - History - Humor - Roleplaying - The Turnip


For starters Amusing moments from the present day

Glitchful Thinking Bloopers from the Landing's Witchful Thinking storyline


Doggess Misbehaving in GM Andraste's offices (Early 2000s; Andraste, Sabitor, Mirsen)

Another day at the office Possibly the most amusing five minutes in the history of the East Tower (Early 00s; Various anonymized individuals)

The bunny Run away! Run away! (Late 90s; Taelrand, Gowain)


Open House An olden-day New Year's GM open house (Early 2000s; Nilven, Jaxia, Bradach, Perigourd, Jineer, Ildran, Pipit, Zyllah, Jacinto, Turinrond, Tierus, Jharra, Angelrise, Rekarth)

Core Values A log with a bunch of people who are WRONG (2003; Nindy, Andraste, Mekthros, Zyllah, Lothwyn, Desorceri, Livits, Morganwyn, Spaewife)

Drunk on Caligos Slightly NSFW (2019-Oct-04; Karkas, Mnar, Xanthium, Thrassus, Cruxophim, Marijka, Elphieya)

A masterpiece in bleakstone and textile Public art never looked so good (2019-Sep-01; Mnar, Shinann, Kaskha, Cryheart)

The sandcastle What happens when mortal enemies stop attacking each other, and start building beach forts? (Early 00s; Rastavan, Rekarth, Mekthros, Divid)

Too much truth When truth or dare games get heavy (1999-Mar-06; Lylia, Mnar, Celtar, Cullien, Puris)

Mock logs

The mentor exposé Sorchia Channen takes us on an illicit behind-the-scenes tour (Fake Sorchia, Juspera, Shoshonna, Deter, Xeldria, Zodier, Melusine, Brauden, Drexla, Aurien, Lochraven, Turgen, Truekillr, Ylena, Bronnwyn, Peam, Amerlise, Sistermarie, Annorax, Psionix, Ophion)

The Dark Alliance musical What else needs to be said? (Fake Ysharra, Tierus, Siwas, Naamit, Dispater, Alisaire, Charna, Rekarth, Aramana, Maimara, Sepher)


The Tops Results of all the modern-day top ten contests, plus the current contest

Honest Vladimr's Discount Duskruin Marvels How could Duskruin possibly get any better? Alosaka's player knows how.