Juspera's Good Ole GS4 Page

 GS3 Page - Guides - History - Humor - Roleplaying - The Turnip


Finally, no more struggling to remember the URL of my old site. Here are three links to Juspera's Good Ole GS3 Page. Content was added and removed over time, so if there's something in particular you're looking for, you might want to check multiple dates.




About Juspera's Good Ole GS3 Page

Juspera's Good Ole GS3 Page first went online in 1998. Its creation was partly driven by need: players were figuring out more and more formulas in the game, but these weren't consolidated anywhere, so I gathered them on one page. Looking at all the information on the GSIV wiki now, it's amazing that the entirely plagiarized "Facts and Rumors" page was at the time one of the best sources for mechanics info about the game.

The game changed and grew, and keeping Facts and Rumors updated became more than I wanted to handle. The focus of the site switched to humor, with some serious logs, character profiles and interactive features on the side. And, of course, the ever-opinionated Statement of the Week. In 2002, I introduced the Turnip as a spinoff site.

The memorable lime-green-on-black text was a product of my visit to some other 90s website that was styled to resemble the terminals of our youth. I thought it was cool. When I realized it wasn't cool but was in fact giving people headaches, there were so many pages on the site that it seemed like too much work to change them all (I knew nothing of batch processing).

Read at your own risk: much of the material is now inaccurate -- some was just plain wrong even when it was first published -- and all of it is tinted with my 20-something arrogance and snottiness. (Just so you don't get your expectations up, I'm still arrogant and snotty, but it might be a more mellow arrogant and snotty.)

The site wouldn't have been what it was without the continual influx of player contributions, some of which, early on, unfortunately did not get credited. I especially owe a great deal to Nevrek for all the material he provided to the site, as well as his constant encouragement. Thank you, everyone.