Juspera's Good Ole GS4 Page / Humor

For Starters

Jamarta says, "I've been told I give only medium-quality hugs."

In progress. Enjoy some moments that may or may not be amusing; I'll likely reorganize these by subject after I collect more, but for now it's just a mish mash.

Thrassus whispers, "It's too bad you weren't about last evening, there was a whole smuggling operation planned in plain sight by Mother in the mayor's office."
You blink at Thrassus.
You quietly whisper to Thrassus, "Your mom does smuggling?"

You quietly whisper to Mnar, "They are living in some kind of bubble, cut off from time."
You quietly whisper to Mnar, "One has been found and killed already."
Mnar whispers, "Have we attempted solutions other than murder?"
You quietly whisper to Mnar, "I know people talked about it. But they settled on murder."
Mnar whispers, "Well, if you turned out to be a phylactery, I wouldn't murder you."
You quietly whisper to Mnar, "I'm not a phylactery!"
Mnar whispers, "Hypothetically, I mean."
You quietly whisper to Mnar, "That's very sweet. But I expect you to kill me."
Mnar whispers, "I noticed you're not saying "Oh Mnar, I would also never kill you if you turned out to be the unwitting vessel of a witch's soul."."

The voice sounds relieved, calling, "That's good then.  Thank you again, Rawkfault.  Last night was... a little much..."  A nervous chuckle punctuates the response.
Speaking deeply to a large iron-banded door, Rawkfault says, "I am sure it was my Lord. I am sorry for the trauma it may have caused."
Speaking to Rawkfault, you say, "That's not healthy.  Try blaming someone else for once in your life."
Speaking deeply to a large iron-banded door, Rawkfault says, "I blame Juspera my Lord."
Your jaw drops.
Naamit flashes a quick grin at Rawkfault.
Alisaire looks thoughtfully at you.
Speaking to a large iron-banded door, you say, "He's making a joke."
You scowl at Naamit.
Speaking to Naamit, you ask, "Yeah, who asked you?"
Alisaire says, "No, no.  Many do blame Juspera.  It's entirely plausible."

Lahke says, "Okay, bubble flare upgrade was first!  I'll add +5 to that."
Giantphang says, "100k."
Vehir says, "125k."
Giantphang says, "185k."
Celby says, "I like how Giant bids."
Lahke exclaims, "Lay it DOWN big man!"

Lormaek offers Lahke a sephwir-set veniom-cored arrow set with a golvern bodkin-shaped penetrator.
Celby says, "An arrow."
Celby cackles!
Ondreian says, "A really ugly arrow at that."
Lormaek says, "Don't body shame my arrow."

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