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WARN Verb Soon To Be Expanded

ST. LOUIS--Pleased with the reception of the new WARN verb in GemStone III, Simutronics Thursday released their intention to add several more options to the verb, to address even more of the most common player conflict situations.

GM Andraste spoke hopefully about the new additions. "This is a big step toward addressing some of the persistent concerns our players have had about each other," she said in Thursday's press conference. "There's no way to cover all types of conflict, of course, but these are things players have complained about consistently over the history of the game."

Part of the package given to attending press was a tentative "usage guide" for the new aspects of the word. We reprint this usage guide here as a service to our readers.

Usage: WARN <player> of <offense>

When this method is employed, an OOC message will be sent to the player, privately letting them know your feelings, to clear up any possible doubt about where you both stand.

Suitable for when another player has misrepresented an item sold to you. The offender will receive a message stating that you feel you have been cheated in your purchase, and that a record will be kept of your objection to his selling practices.

Suitable for when you feel another player's name breaches GemStone III naming guidelines. A message is sent to the player in question stating that someone else feels the player's name is inappropriate for the game environment. It is up to the receiving player to decide whether to take the advice to heart and reroll.

Suitable for when you feel another player's alteration is inappropriate, hard on the eyes, or just plain hideous. The message seen by the receiving player will inform that player of how much an eyesore you believe his item is.

Short for "public display of affection," this option is suitable for when another player is engaging in an obscene display of affection such as deep kissing in the town park, constant snuggling and cooing, or endless hugs that scroll everything else off your screen. A message is sent to the offender advising him to get a room.

Suitable for when another player has committed an act of "vulturing" such as heedlessly healing or raising a body you rescued yourself. A message will be sent to the offender detailing just what you think of his inconsiderate body-thieving hide.

Suitable for when another player is disturbing your hunt or rest by trying to roleplay with you. A message will be sent to the offender stating that you do not appreciate his attempts to be a good little GM ass-kisser, and that he can take his "thee"s and "thou"s and go to hell.

It is not known when the changes will be implemented, but the staff is hopeful. "With these improvements, we'll be covering all the biggest whines we have to hear from players day in and day out," finished GM Andraste, "And maybe we can finally get some <expletive> work done."

Outrageous Pawnshop Scam Unmasked
WEHNIMER'S LANDING--In a stunning revelation yesterday, the Elanthian Business Bureau announced that Kilron's Pawnshop of Wehnimer's Landing does not, in fact, allow items to be pawned. "In a normal pawn shop, you hand over your item for cash and get a ticket guaranteeing you can buy it back yourself at a higher price within the month," said Rastaph Mutler of the Bureau. "Only after month's end is your item put up for general sale." Apparently, however, Kilron immediately places items entrusted to him up for resale. Patrons are shocked, and only time will tell whether this outrageous scam will surface in other parts of the continent.

Wizard Condemns Nazis
ZUL LOGOTH--Wizard Nasbet Procter took a strong stance against the Nazis this Leyan, especially local healer Miriarra Lampsight, sources report. Around 3:50 PM Elven, Procter reportedly took to the Zul Logoth amunet to ask what a krynch was. When Lampsight asked why he wanted to know, Procter responded, "Because one's right in front of me." Lampsight remarked, "There you go, then," after which Procter flew into a righteous rage, replying "Gee, thanks a lot," "Smart ass," and finally, after a long pause, "I wish you goddamn nazis would shut up and mind your own business."

Criminals Unfair, Customer Reports
SOLHAVEN--Misshandra Leiei, a would-be passenger abord the smuggler's cutter Live Bait, complained strenuously yesterday of the crew's business practices. "Twice I bought a ticket for 50k, and both times they dumped us all out on the beach with no refund," she claimed, fuming. "That is completely unfair and very bad business, I might add." On hearing Leiei's remarks, Live Bait captain Knaydl -- who has made her living for years by illegally smuggling goods into and out of the imperially blocked port -- responded, "Aye, dumping passengers after they pay is terrible for business," shortly before collapsing into gales of tearful laughter.

"Animal" Companion Not Worth It
WEHNIMER'S LANDING--Jojis Murken is unhappy with his new companion. "She won't scout, she won't guard me, she won't take the pork haunches I feed her," the sylvan ranger complains. Murken says he was directed to seek a companion in the nondescript brick building on West Ring Road, where a receptionist asked what kind of companion he wanted. "An animal," Murken insisted, at which the receptionist led out a young blond woman wearing fuzzy cat ears. "I've tried to be patient like they say, but she's still impossible to train," says Murken. "All she does is roll around, purr and lick me." Murken sighs. "She's hardly worth the 100k a night."

Pants Worn on Legs, Inspection Reveals

Mystery Blue Ora Falchion Not Really a Mystery
Tilaok Dumb Name for Moon
Ass Checked
Disclaimer: The Turnip is inspired by, but unrelated to, The Onion.  Names and places mentioned in The Turnip may be real or fictional. The Turnip is for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as endorsement or condemnation of anything described therein.